"Same," Sabrina nods, her own glass in her hand. She then glances at Ambrose curiously. "How was your night out with the warlock's?"

"Decadent," Ambrose rolls his eyes at the memory of the night him and Nick had. It wasn't fun, like they'd expected it to be. Not at all. He weaves his fingers into Selene's hair gently, leaning his head on her shoulder. "No offense, love, but I believe your father has somewhat lost his head."

"None taken. I know first hand just how crazy he can be," Selene remarks, not wanting to know what her father did this time. "But I guarantee my night was worse than both of yours. Some asshole sent a demon to attack me at the Academy."

"You too?" Sabrina sits upright, surprised Selene's night has been so similar to hers. "I was also attacked by a demon and his pet rats." She then looks at her cousin accusingly. "I'm wondering if your rat-fink ex-boyfriend was behind it."

"I would rather deal with rats," Selene mutters angrily. She absolutely despises bees. She always has. "Beelzebub came after me with his bees. Why would a prince of hell feel the need to come after me of all people?"

"I don-I don't know," Ambrose deadpans, not having any idea what they're talking about. "But Brina, why do you think Luke is behind this?"

"Demons don't just summon themselves, Ambrose, they have to be freed or called forth by someone."

"So you think Luke summoned a demon to attack you and Selene?" Ambrose blinks like his cousin's theory is nuts. Selene remains silent, thinking Sabrina's theory is a bit far fetched. "Why?"

"I don't know. To throw us off our game?" Sabrina remarks, clearly pissed. Selene wonders about who would do this to her. Luke just doesn't really seem like the type. But she does know one person who would do this to them, one who thinks women still don't deserve to be equal to men. Her father. "I mean, it's clear neither Luke nor you are supporting me and Selene's bids to be Top Boy. You want your boyfriend to win."

At this, Selene gives Ambrose a sideways glance. She's never been jealous of Nick and Ambrose, but the thought of them choosing each other over her does hurt. He meets her eyes, giving her a pleading look. "Now hold on, I never said I wasn't- look, Brina, need I remind you the only reason you're at the Academy is 'cause the Court Of Witches ordered you to be? Selene and Nick are at the Academy, because they want to be."

"Can you two please stop arguing?" Selene pipes up, finishing off the rest of the scotch in her glass.

"No!" Sabrina cuts her off coldly. "I want to be Top Boy, because I think I can make the coven better."

"Really?" Ambrose scoffs in disbelief, completely ignoring Selene's pleas for them to stop. "Because you spurn the coven at every turn, you question our every ritual, you assail every tradition, so excuse-"

"That's not fair," Selene cuts him off, suddenly feeling defensive. She had taken Sabrina's side about the traditions, because they were disgusting. "I also didn't support the traditions you're talking about, because they were barbaric."

"Please. You know what?" Ambrose shakes his head, standing up and taking a step away from both girls. "I don't even want to argue."

"Too late for that," Selene mutters under her breath as Sabrina uses her powers to slam the door to the room shut so he can't leave.

"Maybe I do," the white headed witch smirks nastily. "Maybe I want a warm-up for tomorrow's contest."

"Brina-" Selene starts, knowing Sabrina can get really bad when she's upset.

"You're crazy," Ambrose states, staring at his cousin like she's a stranger. The Sabrina he knew before she signed her name in the Dark Lord's book wouldn't of gotten triggered so easily, and she definitely wouldn't accuse him of such things.

"No, Ambrose, I'm mad," she corrects him as Selene begins to hear the wind outside start to pick up. She exchanges a knowing glance with Ambrose, fearful about what could happen if they let this get out of control. "Top Boy? Seriously? Blackwood takes warlocks out for drinks at a gentlemen's club? What century are you living in?"

"Sabrina, calm down," Selene warns, putting a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her. Sabrina, however, shrugs her off.

"You're picking a fight, and I have no idea why-"

"Didn't you hear me, Ambrose?" Sabrina asks, her fury building up instead of going down. "Me and your girlfriend were attacked and I think your ex or one of his warlock buddies was behind it."

"That's absurd," Ambrose insists, watching as the room around them begins to shake. "Luke was with me and Nick the whole time."

"Tell Luke, tell all your chums, if anyone in this house is Top Boy, it's me," Sabrina yells over the wind. Selene then watches Sabrina's hand glow red, the way it does whenever she's about to do an offensive spell. "Descanto!"

Ambrose prepares himself for the blast of telekinetic magic, but it never comes. Selene jumps in front of him before it can hit him, and yells out the first rebound spell she can think of. "Reboundus!"

The magic gets caught between the both of them, and they stare at each other, surprised by each other's actions. But before Selene can make any effort to stop the spell, her own powers overpower Sabrina's, sending the girl flying onto the couch behind them.

"Oh, my-" Selene begins, her hand going to her mouth. She gapes at what she just did, looking at Sabrina with an apologetic look. "Brina, I'm so sorry. I- I don't know what came over me. Are you okay-"

Before Sabrina can reply, Hilda bursts into the room, her mouth falling open once she sees them. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing," all three of them snap at the same time, knowing they'll all be in trouble if Zelda hears about what just happened.

"Well, I heard yelling and wind and furniture shaking," Zelda exclaims, watching as Sabrina jumps to her feet a little too quickly.

"Everything's fine, Hilda," Sabrina assures her aunt, smiling falsely. However, her voice sounds a little too demanding. "Go to bed."

"I beg your pardon, miss?" Hilda gives her an odd look, surprised by her tone. "You go to bed. School night."

Ambrose downs the rest of his drink as Sabrina does as told. Selene glances back at him, not sure if she should be sorry or if he should be. So she doesn't say anything to him, just goes to her room.


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