things vegans are sick of hearing

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"If you where on a desert island would u eat meat?"

A) when will that happen?

B) I'll eat what the animals are eating, if there are no eadable plants to eat then the herbivores will die out. No herbivores for the carnivorous and omnivorous to eat they'll die out to so there must be somthing.

"Where do you get your protein from?"

Well vegans on average actually have higher blood protien levels than meat eaters so we should be asking you where you get your protein from!

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Well vegans on average actually have higher blood protien levels than meat eaters so we should be asking you where you get your protein from!

"Your drinking a fishes home!"

A) 75% of our planet
B) sais the person who has animals taken away to farm their food.

"Omg! Stop saying your vegan, we get it you want the attention."

No I don't want attention if anything I want you to stop bringing it up. I only talk about it loads because food is a big part of our life and I do actually need to let people know i can't have that chicken burger.

" wait, you're vegan? Omg that's sooooooo weird!"
I actually gotreally cool t shirt yesterday that sais vegan hippy weirdo on it😂! But that's off topic I'll show you a picture though because I can. Any way: sais the one who drinks milk made for baby cows, bee vomit, chicken periods! Yeah us vegans are just so strange!

 Any way: sais the one who drinks milk made for baby cows, bee vomit, chicken periods! Yeah us vegans are just so strange!

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"Wait can I eat this infront of you"

A) I don't really care where you eat it, you shouldn't be eating it anyway, so moving away won't make a diffrence.
B) in my head I'm groomed out because your eating someone's flesh but.......

*points at grass* "Oh look they brought snacks"

I find this one funny. And don't say I'm weird, but sometimes when I'm feeding my guinea pigs grass I will eat some grass, and it tastes great! But also I dose get old so shut up.

"So you don't support animal deaths but you do support the slaughter of millions of plants! How could you?!"

*cough cough* no nervous system......
And let's be real, I gotta eat somthing!

A/N thank you so much for 150 views I didn't think I'd get 10! Thank you to everyone who has read this far it means so much to me! Aspecally those who voted and left comments it makes me really happy.

Edit from a few months later: im so sorry for my spelling. And also i realised that i kept calling animals "it" wich they are not because it implys an object. Im trying not to say that but just pointing out that i dont think they are objects.

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