I like you too

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Ariana walked into school and seen Mac with a bunch of his annoying friends  Ariana never liked his friends and thinks he is the way he is because of them. But she can't tell Mac that because no one knows. Victoria (Ariana's best friend) runs up to Ariana and just looks at her. Ariana had a red mark on her face right above her eyebrow. Victoria takes ariana by the arm and swings her into the bathroom and tries to cover it. Victoria believes that no one with a pretty face like Ariana should have a huge red mark an their face. 

After 5 minutes of trying to cover that thing Victoria gets a little covered but it still has some red peeping out. Some girls walk into the bathroom and try to see what they are doing. The girls were Courtney and Alexa. They were Ariana's friends too. They see the spot on Ariana face and notice it's not even that bad. It's really small and Ariana looked worse with the cover up cause it wasn't her shade of concealer. Alexa takes Ariana by the hand and walks her out to the hallways of the school cause she's going to be late to class soon. Mac is still standing with this friends and is having a good time. The bell rings and everyone goes to class except ariana. She wanted to go and talk to Mac for the first time while no one is there. 

Mac sees her walking up to him and kind of moves out of the way because he thinks he's standing infront of her locker. Ariana laughs and says "Mac can I talk to you" Mac just gives the simple ok and walks to the janitor closet with Ariana because if they get caught in the halls they will most definitely get in trouble by a teacher. "So Mac hi umm I'm Ariana. We don't talk so I don't know if you know my name. I liked you for about 2 years now and I dint know how to tell you and this is probably the stupidest way to say it but yeah I do. But no one knows because me and you are kind of opposite people." Ariana said to Mac as she's looking down at the floor kind of playing with her nails. Mac don't have a expression on his face he give a simple sentence "I like you too Ariana but your you and I'm me and if I were to date you that would be fucking weird" they both walk out of the closet and Ariana a looks upset. But Mac gave her a hug and that's when the second bell rang saying that it's time to go to half classes (half classes are only for some people and they have 2 classes in 1 Period)

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