I thought real men dont dance

Start from the beginning

"That, mon bébé escargots, is what I teach. I teach people to move with fluency and..." He continued rambling on, but I soon gave up listening.

*Did he just call you his baby snails?* Trevor scoffed.

Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised.

I was brought back to reality by the door swinging open. The man at the front of the room froze, his hands still gesturing to the air. Tristan had just walked in, wearing loose fitting tracksuit bottoms, a grey t-shirt that slightly lung to him, giving a faint outline of a six-pack.

I WAS RIGHT! HA! IN YOUR FACE TREVOR! HE DOES HAVE A SIX PACK! I mentally yelled at my inner voice.

"And you!" The man pointed disgustedly at Tristan "You, Vous me rappelez un taille-crayon!"

*He reminds him of a pencil sharpener? You need to give him a French dictionary for Christmas* Trev sounded incredulous.

"With all due respect sir, I had a family emergency, that couldn't be delayed." He was lying, that smirk on his face gave him away.

"Yes, well, stand at the back. Now! I am going to split you into pairs. There must be at least, One boy, and One girl, in each pair!" He explained. "You are going to create a partner dance, portraying one of the 7 deadly sins that I will assign you. You may have the same sin as another pair, but there are not enough sins to go around." He then set to work placing us in pairs.

I was with a boy, with long, curly, brown hair, that was swept off his face, and grey-green eyes. H e was well built, and was about 5ft 10''. His name was John. Our sin was lust. I can't say I'm surprised. I knew I would get that one.

Our dance started off being very basic... but turns out John was a perfectionist, and wanted the highest marks, so it got more and more complicated, until I finally told him to CALM THE HECK DOWN! After about 45 minutes, the teacher (Who's name turned out to be Mr Grey), played the song we were going to be dancing to, 'Make Me Wanna Die' by The Pretty Reckless, and we went through the routine. About 5 minutes later, Mr Grey called us all over. We sat in rows, on the floor as the first couple prepared to begin their dance. They had Sloth. I would say that must of been the hardest sin to portray! The dances continued until it was our turn. We took our places on the 'stage'. The music began and we waited for 8 counts before moving straight in to the dance. We used all of the stage, creating shapes with our bodies. As the chorus kicked in I fell back, he caught me and threw me back up. As the dance ended, it was about half way through the music. John stood there awkwardly, and drew a hand across his neck, signalling the end of the piece. A small round of applause sounded, as we took our seats. I leant against the wall, and closed my eyes, before I felt an unwanted presence by my side.

"Don't piss me off today. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies." I hissed, without opening my eyes.

"You're in a cheery mood today." He murmured into my ear. A small shiver danced down my spine. I could almost hear the smirk appear on his face.

"I'm sorry, but it's just that talking to you seems as appealing as playing leapfrog with unicorns." I muttered under my breath.

"Oh." He chuckled darkly.

"Look, Tristan, last night was stupid, dumb and I wish it never happened." I glared at him for a second before looking away again.

I glanced at him under my eyelashes, and saw that his face had darkened. I felt a pang of regret surge through me. Maybe that was a bit harsh.

"Trist-" I began, but he held up his hand, signalling for me to shut up. I tried again, but to no avail. I sighed and went to place my hand over his. He flinched away, as though I was going to give him plague if he touched me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2010 ⏰

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