chapter 13

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The flight took longer than she would have liked. With every minute that passed she feared her sewing would break and Arya would begin bleeding. She doubted her worries would fade when she'd been examined by a Maester, but Daenerys hoped the concern over her potential death would dull to a more tolerable level. Drogon was slower than usual, favoring his wing as surely as Arya and Daenerys were their injuries. She sat behind Arya with her arms wrapped around her upper chest, doing what she could to avoid the healing parts.

Within seconds of Drogon's landing they had company. "Khaleesi, are you hurt?" Jorah asked.

Jon and Davos assisted Arya. "I'm fine." She found Sam in the crowd. "Tend to Arya please, she was hurt. We were attacked..."

"By the Night King," Jon finished. "Bran told us." She should have guessed what happened wouldn't remain a secret for long.

Despite the Queen's orders Arya was less than thrilled to be fussed over. "I'm fine," she growled at the Maester, knocking his hand away when he tried to touch her.

Daenerys turned away from where Jon and Jorah stood, separated by Tyrion. Each one watching her expectantly. "Arya, let him look at you."

She used an authoritative tone, one that typically produced results. She should have known better than to expect Arya to act like everyone else. "After you," she challenged.

Two words that doubled the concern of those around her. "Were you hurt Khaleesi?"

She was going to answer, to minimize their ordeal but Arya had other plans. "There was a bear and I think one of the Wights may have scratched her too. She's been sick."
Daenerys glared at her lover as though she'd been betrayed. "I'm fine. We need to discuss strategy. We're already behind schedule."

"We made some progress there," Jon told her. "Jaime snuck back into King's Landing and got several barrels of wildfire. Teams of men are digging trenches and scouting. The armies can march when you're ready."

"Send them," Daenerys commanded. "We'll catch up."

That was all it took. "You heard her!" Grey Worm called to his troops. "You'll leave within the hour."

With her lover occupied, Missandei went to Daenerys's side. "Come inside. I'll fix tea and make you something to eat."

Her stomach growled at the mere mention of food. "That sounds lovely."

Not far away, Arya was still refusing to be assessed. "Check on Daenerys first," she said. "I'm going to go find Bran."

Sansa who had been later arriving in comparison to the others waved her sister over. "Come on then, I'll take you to him."


She didn't like the idea of her minor wounds being dealt with before Arya's, but Daenerys got the sense she wasn't going to win the argument and relented. "The stitches are holding," Sam said after reviewing her work. "Very well done," he praised, "considering you sewed yourself."

"Thank you," she responded with a slight smile. "I just asked myself what you would do."

He blushed crimson. "Arya says you've been sick as well?" he clarified.

"We didn't have much food," she explained. "I'm likely just hungry."

"When did the illness begin?" he queried. She told him how she'd been sick first in the cave and then outside it. Whatever he was thinking, she seemed to validate his opinion.

His thick fingers checked her forehead for a fever and then tested the pulse in her neck, just as Daenerys had done to Arya. When she thought he was through he surprised her by placing a hand on each of her hips and feeling for something. Then after a moment, he moved both hands to her stomach. "Are you and Jon..." he stopped abruptly and changed his approach. "Is it possible you... you're pregnant?"

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