chapter 4

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Outwardly she and Jon appeared to be a traditional married couple. They spent time together, held hands, and kissed when appropriate. In private though the ghost of Arya hung over them both.

Melisandre had promised them that the Lord of Light would reward them with a child and so she'd taken Jon into her bed four times since they were bonded, including the first night. After each encounter she waited for news from the Maester that she was pregnant, but it never came. In between there were no additional trysts. Where once she'd welcomed his affections, now his presence was a reminder of the burdens she carried. She wanted an heir, knowing it would be invaluable for future generations but she rarely sought him out to try in earnest. Not even the promise of a baby, a thing she had long since thought impossible for her could be adequate motivation.

Few seemed aware of the fact that her King kept separate chambers next to hers. No one questioned the reason for their frequent nights apart. At first Daenerys thought it strange, although not unpleasant, until she remembered she was their Queen and Jon their King. Few who served her were in the position to inquire about a matter so personal. She was a foreigner in their eyes, with her 'savage screamers' and eunuchs. The Westerosi likely blamed her Targaryen blood for any breaks from customs that she carried out.

The longer they went without Daenerys becoming pregnant the more reluctant Jon was to approach her for sex. When they were married, he erroneously believed they'd be sharing a bed nightly. Given that she'd been willing that first night, she could understand the confusion. When they were alone she encouraged him to seek comfort from others, but the manners instilled in him by Lord Eddard Stark prevented him from following through.

Since learning of Arya's actions Daenerys had been able to think of little else. She'd begun praying regularly, not at the Sept, but in the privacy of her chambers, using it as an excuse to talk to Arya, hoping she'd hear. This night, she'd pray for the speed of the raven she sent to Pyke. The letter needed to reach her before she moved on. It was the only chance Daenerys had.

It was late when the knock came, and she instantly feared it was Jon. Tonight, was not the night for him to proposition her for sex. "Come," she answered, sounding bitter even to her own ears.

The door opened slowly to reveal Missandei and not her husband on the other side. Her attitude drastically improved. "Apologies, your Grace."

She waved it away with her small hand. "Come in Missandei. I'm sorry for my mood, I thought you were someone else."

The advisor closed the door behind her and locked it. She said nothing until she was standing beside Daenerys, wearing a black dress that was even darker than her skin and an accompanying sad smile. "I may have mentioned to the King that you and I had plans this evening," she explained.

One more time she was reminded of just how lucky she was to have Missandei with her. "Thank you, my friend."

They sat at a small circular table and Missandei poured the drinks, not wine as they usual drank but expensive rum from Essos, the kind favored by Daario's sell-swords and war-hardened mercenaries the world over. "I heard of Arya's deeds."

Of course, she had. The whole castle was humming with the news that Arya Stark, the murderous daughter of the honorable former Hand to Robert Baratheon had killed Euron Greyjoy and installed Yara on his throne. "I didn't send her, and I'm furious that she put herself in danger but..."

Daenerys wasn't sure what she wanted to say. She was thrilled to know where Arya was, to be able to confirm she was alive but she hated knowing she'd endangered her life, no matter how noble the cause. Daenerys understood better than most that even the most capable warriors sometimes fell. Drogo was a vivid reminder of that lesson. She didn't wish the same fate for Arya. In fact, she'd give all she owned to keep it from happening. That said, it warmed her to the core to know that Arya still served her, still honored her and protected them all, in spite of what had happened. Hope was a dangerous thing, but she couldn't deny it tonight.

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