20. Not afraid to love

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It's 7am I woke up with a massive headache, how did i get into my room? How the fuck did i got home? Maybe kylie dropped me off. I'm gonna call her and say thank you.

Calling Kylie 😛....

Hey ken, it's too early. What's up?

Hey ky. I just wanted to say thank you for dropping me home last night.

Dude, the fuck are you talking about? Y/n dropped you off last night. (Laughing)

What? How? Why?

Because you're fucking... drunk ken, that's why. I asked her to drop... you.. home. (Moaning)

What the fuck kylie? Are you having a morning sex?! Ew!! Bye

I ended the call. Maybe she's with travis after we go clubbing last night. Y/n dropped me off and she changed my clothes again last night, this is embarrassing. I'll just text her later, i'm still jealous because of cara and kylie.

I got out of my bed and i took a shower. I heard a knock on my door i opened it and i saw y/n standing in front of my door smiling and holding a coffee and breakfast.

"Goodmorning kenny." She smiled at me.

"Goodmorning y/n. Wow, you're.. early. Come in." I said to her.

"Ofcourse, you're so drunk last night and i know that you don't want to eat breakfast alone that's why i'm here." She giggled.

"Oh yeah you remembered. Y/n, thank you for last night, kylie told me that you dropped me home.. AGAIN." I said to her and massaging the back of my neck.

"Of course, you don't remember anything. But you're welcome!" She said while preparing our breakfast.

"Wow. You're so happy. What's up with you?" I said to her while i took a big bite on my pancake.

"Remember the girl that i told you about? She told me that she love me. Last night!" What? The fuck..

"What? H-how? So are you two together now?" I just lost my appetite.

"I'm with her last night ken, and she told me that she loves me." She smiled at me.

"Y/n, who is this girl? Is it cara? Or kylie? Who??" I'm being serious right now.

"It's a secret. But i'll tell you soon, okay?"

"Ugh alright. So, are you two dating now?"

"Nah, i'm just waiting for her to prove her love to me. You know, actions speak louder than words.. But, you'll be the first one to know if i wanted to date her already." Please don't date her..

I just nodded to her. We continued eating breakfast together. I decided to shrug it off, because i don't want to ruin her morning. She said sorry to me a couple of times because of what she said yesterday about not going to London next week.

After we ate breakfast, y/n told me that she needs to be in her studio to record a new song. I called kylie and cara to hang out with us, but they're both busy. Weird..

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