15. I chose to forgive and to love.

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I woke up as the sun is flashing my eyes. I don't know how i got home. I'm looking at my phone at my night stand and i realize.. This is not my room. I look under the blanket and i have a pajamas on and an oversized shirt.

"Don't worry, nothing happened." I saw a tall figure at the door sipping her coffee.

"What happened? How did i ended up at your place?"

"The manager of the bar called me, and i picked you up. You were passed out." She said to me. "I changed your clothes, i'm sorry." She added.

"I-i'm sorry, i shouldn't be here y/n. Thank you for taking care of me last night." I said to her as i stand up fixing my hair and looking for my clothes.

"Where are you going? You should eat breakfast first ken, then i'll take you home."

"I'm going home, and it's fine i can call an uber. I'm so sorry, i know you don't want to see me, you needed some space and i know that you're still mad at me for what i did. And i know tha-" I said to her and she cut me.

"Hey, calm down.. Let's eat breakfast first okay? Then we'll talk about it." She said to me in her calm voice.

We were eating breakfast together in silence, it's awkward for me but for her she's just eating comfortably.

"Ken, don't ever do that again." She said to me and i just looked at her. "Don't drink alone at the bar, what if someone took advantage of you? I'm really glad that the manager called me because i'm on your speed dial."

"I'm sorry, i just don't want to disturb the girls and kylie.. They have their own lives. So, yeah i decided to drink alone."

"I know, and i'm sorry too." Why is she saying sorry?

"Why? For what y/n?"

"I'm too caught up on my feelings that i didn't realize that you are hurting too. I'm sorry, it took me a year before i forgive you. God, you don't know how much it kills me not talking to you and hearing your voice for a year."

"I hate myself for hurting you y/n. Every single day. I hate it to see how much you loved me and i'm just too stupid to show you that i need you. I'm really sorry y/n. I didn't know how badly i affected you."-"You know i think Gigi's right, i should stop bothering you. I should stop forcing myself to you."

"What do you mean?" She said to me.

"I should be okay with this, with what we have right now. I think we're better off this way.. Friends?" I said to her and i try to smile at her.

"Friends." She smiled at me. Honestly, i don't wanna be just friends with her, i love her. I still love her.

"So hey, what's your name hot stuff?" She said and she extend her hand to shake my hand.

"You are such a flirt. I'm kendall Jenner and you are?... Beautiful." I said to her as i shook her hand and i saw her face goes red.

"Oh stop. I'm Y/N Hutcherson."

After that morning, we talked more often. She told me that she is going to perform at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show this coming saturday. I told her that i'm going to be there too to walk at the fashion show.

She decided to continue our contract, i told her that it's okay if she's not comfortable with it but she told me that it's fine with her.

My sisters are happy that me and y/n fixed our problems in the past. They told us that they will be more happy if we started dating each other again. I wanted to, but i don't know about her.


"Y/n, tell me you guys got back together." Gigi said to y/n.

"Ha! I wish, but kenny here said that it's better if we stayed friends." My jaw dropped and i saw gigi, bella and hailey giggles. "I'm joking! Me and kenny decided to start off again as friends."

"Bummer! I really thought that you and kenny got back together." Hailey crossed her arms.

"Who knows? Maybe one day me and y/n will realize that we were meant for each other." I said to them as i looked at y/n.

She just wink and laughed at me. This girl will be the death of me. Fuck.

"So what's with the winking? Are guys friend's with benefits? Or ex with benefits?" Kylie said to us looking at me and y/n.

"What the fuck kylie! You never stop embarrassing me." I threw pillow at kylie's face.

"What? I'm just asking.." Gigi, bella and hailey are laughing at us.

"Me and kendall are friends, okay?" Y/n smiled at me.

"Oh okay, friend's with benefits. Got it!" Y/n threw pillow at kylie.

I heard bella said "PILLOW FIGHT!!"

After that pillow fight we all watched titanic and the vow. We are going to sleepover at gigi's house. I felt really sleepy and i wanted to lay on the bed.

"Hey guys, it's already 2am we need to sleep. We need to get up early." Gigi said.

"Yeah me too, i have to go home early later." Y/n said to us.

"Oh yeah, you are performing tomorrow at the runway." I said to her.

"I only have three bedroom, me and bella are going to be at my room, kylie and hailey you are on the other room and kenny and y/n are on the guest bedroom." Whaaaat??

"W-what? Kylie and i can share. Right hailey?" Y/n said to hailey.

"Nope, because me and hailey are going to stay up all night. We don't need to wake up early."

I gave kylie a look to just let y/n share a bed with her.

"Stop giving me that look ken. Besides, you guys used to live in the same apartment remember? It's not like you guys didn't do it or something." Kylie rolled eyes on me.

"KYLIE!!" Me and y/n shout at the kylie. The three girls are laughing at us.

"Please, if something happened on gigi's guest room. We don't mind guys." Kylie winked at me.

"Oh yeah, we don't really mind. Just keep it down, yeah?" Bella said to me and y/n. I hid my face to y/n because of embarrassment.

"And change the fucking bed sheet you guys." This is so embarrassing..

Bella and gigi walk towards their room, and so as kylie and hailey. I looked at y/n who looks so red because of what the girls said to us.

"Let's go?" I said to her.

"Yeah, right. Let's go."

"About what the girls said, don't mind them. They're just teasing us." I said to her.

"It's okay, they're actually right. It's not like this is the first time that we--"

"Y/n! Not you too." I face palmed myself.

"That we sleep on the same bed kenny." She continued what she was about to say.

"Oh, i-i thought you're going to said about uhmm.. you know." We both lay in bed, as i shut my eye.

"The make love thing? Oh yeah, that too." She smiled at me and she turned off the light on her side of the bed. Goodnight kenny."

"Goodnight baby.." I said to her as i fell asleep.

Double update, i hope you guys like the story so far. Don't forget to vote. Sorry for the typos. XOXO

Heart Open (Kendall and Y/N)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora