13. Mess we've made.

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"Scoot, can i just cancel the concert tonight? Ke-- my girlfriend needs me. I have to catch a flight as early as possible." I said to my manager hoping that he would allow me to go home.

"Y/n, that not possible. You can't cancel a concert at the last minute. Your tickets are already sold out."

"Please, it's an emergency. I'm begging you scoot." I begged him.

"We can't do that, the owner of the arena will sue us and the people will get mad at you y/n! Just do the concert and i'll cancel you interview." He said to me massaging his temples.

"Yes!! Thank you scoot, and book me into the nearest flight back to U.S."


After the concert:

"Y/n! The is no available flight back to U.S tomorrow." Scooter said to me.

"What?! Scoot, this is an emergency!" I raised my voice at him.

"Y/n look! The available flight is 2 days from now." He showed me the available schedule on his laptop.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Okay, book me to that flight." I said to him and i sent kendall a message.


Babe, there is no available schedule back to U.S tomorrow. I took the next available flight in two days. I'm really sorry baby. I hope you're doing okay now. ❤️😘

Message me when you see this. 😞

I love you and i miss you babe. 😞😘

I tried calling her a couple of times, but she's not answering. I tried calling kylie, she told me kendall is on a photoshoot.


2 days after:

"Mom, i need to go home. Kendall needs me there. I'm sorry mom, i'm so sorry.. I'll be back in a week." I said to my mom while crying and she just hugged me and didn't say a word.

"I'll call you when i get there. I'm sorry mom.. I love you." I got out of the car and walk towards inside the airport.

My mom is very understanding person, i know that she understands me. But i know she is sad because i can't be with her when she needed me. She knows my relationship with kendall, my mom and my sister is dying to meet her. But right now kendall needs me, and she's not answering any of my text and calls.


"Babe i'm home!" I saw kendall sitting on her couch while watching tv. I walk up to her and gave her a hug and pepper her with kisses.

"Are you okay now? I'm sorry i'm not here when you needed me. Did you receive any of my messages ken?" I asked her and she's not paying attention to me. I turned off the tv.

"Hey! I'm watching.. Don't be rude." She said to me and she turn on the tv again.

"I'm sorry babe. I'll make it up to you.. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Mom needs me there, she caught my dad cheating on her." She looked at me right away.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry to hear that babe. So, how's your mom?"

"She's sad and devastated because i'm not there to be with her."

Heart Open (Kendall and Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now