What a gal

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Welp here is the next chapter after my procrastination!!

After about ten minutes in your hiding place you and friends came out, looking around just to be sure that he was gone. Just as you were about to say that its all clear the cartoon had come running towards you in the typical cartoon style and jumped into your arms. Again leaning in towards your face. You dropped him and kneed him in his no-no area. A look of pain and discomfort crossed his face as he dramatically fell to the ground holding his crotch area. Then all of a sudden, two tiny versions of the cartoon came running to the tall one asking if he was okay. You and your friends had tried to sneak away slowly but all of a sudden the dog creature thing had gotten up and pulled you to his chest, since you were shorter then him. God you hated that you were short. But you know what they say, cute but deadly. You fit that description quite well.

"Not so fast!! You just can't leave without apologizing!" The cartoon said.

"Yeah!" The second shortest one said.

"You just can't get away with hurting our big brother!" Said the shortest.

"Sorry.." you started.

The y'all one had a look of triumph on his face.

"Not sorry." You finished.

"Well... can I at least have the name of the beauty in front of me?" He asked, almost hopefully. It's not like it would harm anyone right?

"My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N. What's yours?"

"My name his Yakko!"

"I'm Wakko!"

"And I'm Dot! Call me Dottie you die."

Ok then. Everyone else had introduced themselves, and had started to chat. Once you got to know them, they were actually quite nice. You all just talked and walked around the lot.

"Hey, follow me." Yakko said.

You hesitated but nodded. His gloved hand grabbed yours leading you to a water tower. He then took you to the top of the tower and you just looked at the sunset.

"It's so beautiful." You said looking at it set on the horizon. The sun had lit up your face, giving it a light orange hue.

"It sure is" Yakko said. Not looking at the sun, but more clearly you. You looked drop dead gorgeous. Like a movie star in one of those romantic movies. You then looked over at him and realized he was looking at you. You looked away and blushed. You were not a people person. You checked you phone to see that it was almost time to go. You then were about to get up to go to the buses. But Yakko grasped your hand. You turned around and looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"You should come over sometime, I had fun." Yakko said hopefully.

"Sure." You said leaning in and gave him a peck on the cheek. You climbed down the tower and got on the bus looked out of the window and waved giving Yakko a small smile. Then the bus drove away.

Yakko sat there stuttering, and face red as his nose. He put a hand up to his cheek and watched as the bus drove away. He sighed dreamily and muttered,

"What a gal.."


Sorry that it's so short!!

Bye bye peeps

Him and I • Yakko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now