Hellooooooo Hell hole!!!!

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And I am here with one of my many procrastinated stories!! If you want to see what other stories I plan on making in the future go check out my black butler x modern reader A/N that I will keep on updating all of my future x reader!! I will probably to other ships from other series! Now on with the story!!

It was a peaceful day at Ray Lake High (made that up). The sun was perched in the ocean blue sky and decorated with pure white clouds scattered amping the sky. All the student in their classes waiting to get out of the hell hole that is called school.

At the 500 building, room 507, the freshmen were just getting in their seats right after the tardy bell rang. It was first period, and the students had Mr. Rob. He was an overall pretty great teacher. They were going on a field trip to the Warner Studios today. The teacher was taking roll while the everyone was talking to the person next to them. A girl in the back was just doodling on a random piece of paper, not really caring. She had beautiful H/L H/C and
E/C orbs that glistened in the sun. She had a black hat that had a picture of Pepe the frog on it, high waisted camouflage jeans with a black belt, F/C converse, Fairy Tail shirt, and a jean jacket with plenty of pins and iron ons (did not spell right lol). Her black butler back pack hanging from the back of the seat. When role was finished, everyone went to their friends before the field trip. Yours friends were all in different classes right now. A girl came up to you, watching you doodle for a minute.

"Wow! Your super good at drawing!" She exclaimed. Eyes watching your every moment you made on the paper. "Thanks." Was all you said in reply. You weren't much of a people person.

"Do you think you could draw me something?"

You called it. Every time some random person goes up to you and compliment you on you drawings, they always end up asking for a piece. Most of the time people want to take credit for your art. Very few actually want to just a piece of art to admire. She was one of the shy people of the class. Always bullied, and had no friends. May, you think her name was. You took out an index card and drew a little picture of her, it took you about under a minute to finish. You handed it to her. She knew better than to take the credit. She was a good kid. She has blond hair that goes to mid back and covers one of her eyes. Her eyes were a stunning shade of light blue. She had a plane light pink sweater that was tucked into a black skirt that went to her knees. Her white socks went to mid calf and black shoes. Overall she was a total cinnamon roll.

"T-thank you! I-I'm May by the way." She said in a shy tone as before.


She sat next to you and you talked until the teacher had told everyone that it was time to get ready to go to the field trip. You and May got on the bus and sat down together. You then pulled out your earbuds. You have one to May. The entire bus ride you talked while showing each other what types of music you
Like. Surprisingly, for a shy girl She actually quite liked your type of music which was preferably rock. After awhile, you got to the Warner studios. Everyone then got out of the bus and got outside to stretch theirs legs. Even in that short time, you and May have came to be good friends. Maybe you would introduce her to your little brother sometime. On the bus you had shown her a picture of your little brother, Mark. But you always called him Marky. When you had shown her she had a full on fangirl session on how cute he was.

"Alright everyone, get in a group of at least three and meet back here by 6:00!!!! Right now it's 10:47. Be here at twelve for lunch. Have fun!!!" The teacher, Mrs. Kelly said.

You then took May's and and went through the crowns of bustling student to find your other friends. Kai and Izzy. You called for them until they spotted you and ran over. Kai had on worn out converse with baggy jeans and a black t-shirt. He had shaggy dirty blond hair and green eyes. Izzy was wearing a Green Fay shirt with mid thigh shorts and black vans. She had shoulder length natural red hair with brown eyes and freckles.

"Y/N!!! We were looking for you!! Thank god I would've hated to be with some random person!! That would be awkward." Izzy yelled.

"Yeah man, don't leave me alone!!!!!" Kai screamed and then proceeded to tackle you in a bear hug. Yup. These were your friends. You've known each other since you were babies. So they were like siblings.

"Guys I want you to meet May. May these are my friends Kai and Izzy." You said while somewhat dying because of Kai grip.

"HI!!!" Izzy greeter May enthusiastically, shacking her hand rapidly.

"Hey dude, nice to meet ya." Kai said, finally letting you go.

"H-hello!" She stuttered.

"Alright now lets go exploring this place!!!" You said with a sudden burst of energy.

You guys walked around the lot for a bit talking about random things and screaming the lyrics of little kid tv show openings. It was quite fun, bringing back the memories of childhood. After a bit it was twelve and then you all went back and ate your lunches. You cracked a few jokes and long story short everyone around had started to cry they laughed so hard. You then went back out to explore the lot. All of a sudden you heard screaming. Umm... what??? Ok then. What happened over the-

"Helloooooooooo nurse!!!!" A voice said from behind you. Wtf?

A dog like creature, you had no idea what the hell it was was in front of you. Eyeing you, it was quite uncomfortable.

"So how's about a kiss" he said leaning in closer to you. Ah hell no. Not happening today.

You dodged the cartoon and ran, you friends following close behind. No perverts today. You had felt with enough in middle school. And it was not going to happening again.

After about two minutes you found a good hiding place. You would just wait there for about ten minutes and go to the other side of the lot. I mean, how hard could that be?


And done. Well I hoped you liked the first chapter!! I will see you in the next one!!

Bye bye peeps!

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