The Rain

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      Dualscar slept soundly while Psionic was stuck stitching up his arm. He felt bad for the captain; poor man probably hadn't had a good night sleep since that infurnal ribbon had been put on him. So he didn't fuss when Dualscar nodded off, he let him sleep as he continued to mend his wound. It was a good thing the seadweller had decided to lay in bed to be stitched up, because there was no way in hell Psionic would have been able to move him. Well, maybe with some telekinetic help, but he still reserved his power for real emergencies only. He couldn't risk being caught with such a gift still in tact. If he ever was caught, he knew he'd be sold in a heartbeat to the empire high blooded debt be damned. 

      Though while he was on that train of thought, he made a mental note to ask the captain why he'd been bought in the first place. He hadn't yet let himself ponder the question, what was the first mate had said? "He needs a life...whatever for?" He mumbled to himself as he clipped off the excess thread that he'd been stitching. He looked down and smiled at the seadweller's peaceful face, and knew he would have made Signless proud. Showing kindness, even to such a high cast. Oh, his candy colored friend would have never let him live that one down. But it was bitter sweet, honoring him like that it made him feel fulfilled at the same time it put knives in his heart. He shook his head and wrapped his friend's wound in a thin layer of gauze, which would allow the high blood heal on his own.

      He sighed and stood from the small stool he'd pulled up to the bed. Ready to be on his way, his task was complete. He smiled to himself glad to help the man who had at least some semblance of heart. He knew now all that Terror of the Sea stuff was all propaganda, rumors spread by the lower fearful casts about something they didn't understand. Dualscar was a person, and no matter how flawed he deserved a chance at equal kindness too. He would let Signless live on in that belief. He would hold it close to his heart.

        Just as he was about to leave the captain's quarters, he heard a low rumble from the bed. The kind of sound that you felt in the pit of your stomach, not the kind you heard with your ears.

         "Stay." Was the purring word that came shortly after the sound that stirred him in a way he wished it didn't. "I can't." He said without thinking. His immediate refusal was just low blooded instinct. "I-I...I'm still soaking wet." He reasoned once he gathered his thoughts. "All the more reason to stay." Came the husky argument. "What you expect me to sit on the floor and air dry while you nap?" Psi rebuked his natural sass clearly showing in his voice. "No, I have a bathroom. Strip, dry off, rest with me." The offer was a purr that warmed Psionic's very blood. The very thought was so scandalous it made his cheeks flush yellow.

      "You can't just do that." He hissed his words spilling out of him on another societal instinct. Highbloods were to have standers, had this one lost his mind? The thought of sharing a bed, without being in sexual service was absurd on a level that genuinely made Psionic worry for the captain's mental health. "And why not?" Came the sultry reply, "last time I checked I was Captain Dualscar, not cabin boy number two." He chuckled in a low kind of way that spoke to something other then his fatigue. The way he joked so openly, he was sure it would make even the rebels blush.
Psionic placed his cold hand to his burning cheek to attempt to still the rush of blood. "It's indecent." Psionic continued to argue.

      "I'm a pirate sugar, born and raised. There's no amount of Orphaner training that will squeeze that out of me, and in case you've forgotten our little talks I'll say it again: indecent is a pirate's middle name." The highblood insisted, "dry off, rest, before I make you." Now that was an order that broke what was left of psionic's flimsy defenses.

       He walked to the small yet still luxurious bathroom and did as he was told. He stripped off the clothing that had been provided for him. A simple yellow tunic, a black belt at his waist, black pants with a yellow stripe down the side, and boots the same as every other cabinhand on the ship, plain black rimmed in violet. The violet showed their alliance, or in Psionic's case, ownership; so all around them would know just who exactly they were messing with.

      Once dried with the velvety soft fluffy towel he'd found on a rack, he peeked out into the dim light of the room to see Dualscar curled up still mostly asleep. He thought about trying to leave again, but he knew he'd be to easily caught. He thought it was so unfair, why did he have to be naked? At least Dualscar got to keep his soft black night clothes on. After thinking it over he was thankful for that at least, sharing a bed with a naked high blood, no matter how kind, was a dangerously slippery slope.

      He stepped out into the room with what little pride he had and sat down on the soft stain sheets of the Captain's bed. He would have melted had the high blood not been in the room, and suddenly he was so very very thankful he was naked. With reluctantly slow movements he covered himself in the silky sheets and heavenly furs the highblood used as blankets. His back to his captain he nuzzled down in the bed that should have been outlawed for its luxurious softness, and thought he might just slip into sleep listening to the unrelenting rain.

      Yet as soon as he got to comfortable the highblood wrapped an arm around him and pulled him to his ruthless warmth. The position made Psionic's cheeks burn with embarrassment, but he managed to swallow his pride and scrape up his courage to ask: "why was I bought for you?" The question had been burning a irritating hole in the back of his mind for awhile.

       Dualscar's sigh made Psionic shiver. "Galen, He had this idiotic plan. He thought if we could fool the ribbon into thinking I had completed my job, it would release. He had pure intentions, he's like a brother, but I didn't want to cheat my way out. Not like that." He explained to the lowblood tucked against his chest. His voice low, husky with sleep. "So he bought me, to kill me for you." Psionic concluded "yes, I suppose he did." Dualscar confirmed his assumptions. "Sleep now, the storm will pass in the morning."

      Psionic shut his eyes and attempted to do as he was told. He knew the caption was tired after going so long without a good rest, but having him so close, so warm against him. It was a sensation that was not conducive to Psionic having a very restful sleep. Dualscar shifted slightly still half asleep, and Psionic felt as if he'd been stroked from head to toe with a luscious fur blanket. Oh, this was going to be a long night.

And yet the rain still pattered on....

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