Little Ones

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"Get off me Jazzy!" squeaked the tortishell queen, her brother Jazmin pinning her down and biting her ear. They had still seen that grey soft-claw queen occasionally walking past. A moon had passed since their first encounter, though recently they haven't seen her in a little while.

The greyish brown tabby tom, Cinder often lays alongside his mother who sits watching her kits play in the alley, making sure none run off, trying to ignore the stench of garbage and the thundering sounds of the giant rolling beetles on the near cracking black path. She was happy that her kits had managed to live through a moon so far, hoping that this would last even with so many dangers around. Some (insert other word for humans here) had apparently seen them and dropped some food down for them, but if they tried to touch anyone, they'd hopefully get a good cut on them.
Though.. Jazmin, the black kit with orange legs, always seemed to want to continue to be friendly even when Izabell hissed at him to get back to her, he doesn't listen well.

Jax the big orange tabby kit always teased him for being so soft.
"You're so much like a soft-claw Jazzy!" he'd tease.

"Am not! I just don't want to get everyone's bad side like you do!" Jazmin would try to defend himself with, Izabell would just mrrow as she watched the kittens have their meaningless fights. "Exactly, you're too scared of having a fight!" Sasha the fluffy black and white queen mewed, "It-

"Soft-claw, soft-claw!" They called him repeatedly.

"Leave him alone already, you've done enough!" Izabell hissed, breaking it up. She licked Jazmin's cheek fur, "You'll show them someday." she mewed to him in his ear, nudging him to the small wet box, signaling to the others with her paw to follow.

They scrambled along, Bashi the torti nearly falling over on her face, Jax smirked and teased her a little about it.

"Mama, where's food for today?" Cinder cried pressing his muzzle at his mother's shoulder. "Be patient little one, your father will come with whatever he finds good for you and me." Izabell calmly answers looking out at the alleyway opening, empty, only seeing the wide dark path of roaring large beetles on wheels. Feeling disconcerted she stood up, going to the opening to look around the area of the long grey stone path seemingly going on forever, no sign of the big yellow and orange tabby tom close by. She quietly padded back to her kits squirming around in the box, play fighting mostly really.Jazmin saw his mother no longer looking too happy, "What's wrong mama?" he mewled, "It's nothing little one." she meowed back. Jazmin began to feel hungry, "When is food coming mama?", Izabell didn't respond just curled up in the box with her kittens. Jazmin thought curiously, "Maybe mama's just hungry?" he thought.

ADVENTURERS: A Lure To The Outside (discontinued?? Possible continuation..)Where stories live. Discover now