Chapter One: A Peculiar Morning

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'I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.' Jennifer Aniston


Jennifer Aniston's P.O.V.

The sun peeked through my window and I felt the warmth glowing on my face. My eyes were still closed and I smiled. I felt Justin's arm around my waist, he is such a sweetheart. I still remember the day he proposed to me, in a big restaurant in New York.


We arrived at Blue Hill restaurant, one of the most fanciest restaurants I've ever been in. The waiter had showed us to our seats and with a thank-you and Justin asking for a bottle of wine, he took off. Justin's dark brown eyes told me that he was about to tell me something very important. His warm hands reached out to take mine. At this moment, I knew something was about to happen - it was either going to be good news or bad news. I really hoped that it wasn't anything bad, our relationship was as strong as ever. 

His deep voice started talking and it was as smooth as a new paved path. He started to talk about our relationship and my hands clenched his. Questions raced through my mind as my heart was pumping louder and louder. Was this really about to happen? I felt as if his voice was blurred and I couldn't hear anything he was saying. But it wasn't. It was really happening. My eyes were starting to fill and I couldn't contain my smile. I guess he noticed that I was because he started to smile as well. In fact, I think that he was a little nervous. All I saw tonight was his nervous smile, I should have seen it coming! But then again, it wouldn't have been a surprise..

He let my hands go and with a smile more look at my face, he opened his left side of his blazer and reached inside the pocket and a grey casing. He brought it out, pushed his chair out and knelt right in front of me. My hands immediately covered my nose and my mouth, my heart still racing. He opened the case and inside was the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. There was silence which felt like forever and then I heard the deep cool voice of Justin.

"Miss Jennifer Aniston... will you marry me?"

I nodded at the sound of what I thought was the gates of heaven opening up. I still haven't made it official, but my throat was closed up - but I had to. I opened my mouth and my lips were trembling but I had to reply.

"Yes!" I voice went squeaky but I didn't care. I had made it official!

I leaned in to hug my now fiancé and he hugged back and squeezed me tightly.

"Alright, let's get this ring on your beautiful finger!" He took the beautiful ring out of the casing and placed it on my ring finger. My ring finger now has a ring!

"I love you so much," I whispered to him.

"And I love you more." I gave him a romantic kiss and I loved every bit of it.


I just loved those moments when you wake up feeling all warm and happy inside.

"Morning Jen," I heard his soft voice ring in my ears. I turned to his side and I smiled and gave him a hug. Those morning hugs are amazing but just as he was about to hug back this time, he really was, but instead, he jumped right out of the bed.

"Morning," I could say that I was startled. "Wha-what are you doing honey?" I got up slowly and held his arm that he was using to get up.

"Oh, nothing, nothing, but I have a surprise for youuu…" His voice sounded so cheery, but that was a little strange, he never used to be awake in the morning. Sure he was awake awake but usually not this much during this hour. We could cuddle for hours then finally get up.

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