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This is another short chapter today as I am in the middle of my exam period. Longer update will be coming soon.

- A x


Your POV

"It's all mine?" I asked. Eir smiled and nodded. I felt grateful to have a friend to lean on and pass on advice. I had no idea how to be a goddess.

"It's all yours, Sigyn." She smiled. I winced at the name.

"(Y/n). I don't think I'm Sigyn yet." I explained. She nodded understandingly.

"The ceremony begins tonight. You should get ready in a couple of hours. Settle in first." She grinned. "This room is amazing." She looked around the chamber. It was a huge room with a marble floor. The walls were painted with murals of figures with horses, both riding them and feeding them. There was a huge balcony with a covered part and an open part, the covered part featuring a pillar with a golden bowl. The bed had silky golden sheets and fur throws. It really was a magnificent place to stay.

Eir bid me goodbye to give me some space. I sat on the bed and admired the bedside tables on either side, with huge candles and golden trays to carry them. There was a small shelf under the table that was begging to be lined with books. I took a mental note to visit the library and pick something out.


I stood in the mirror, looking at the dress that the seamstresses had prepared for me. It was a floor length silky baby blue dress. It had golden sandals paired with it and a golden chain decorated with flowers was placed over the low bun. I pushed a stand of hair out of my eyes and sighed. I guess this was it. There was a knock at the door, and two guards greeted me with warm smiles.

"Miss Sigyn. We are here to take you to the grand hall." I smiled back and nodded.

"Thank you gentleman."

The hall was busy, but it was nothing I hadn't experienced. I smiled as I walked down toward Odin. He gave me a respected nod and waved his hand to me while smiling at the crowd. I looked in the crowd to see Hugo and Dahlia standing side by side smiling at me proudly. I waved at them subtley while Odin began his speech.

"Asgard suffered a great loss, over the past weeks. Your queen, Frigga, fought for all of you. By now we all know the story. If it weren't for her refusal to surrender a force so great, to a man too powerful, it is possible that we would not be standing here now." I caught the eye of Thor. He stood next to Jane, who looked visibly uncomfortable. "However, the story is more than just that. Sigyn, here, held off another dark elf who was trying to attack the queen. She was out in the safety of the castle grounds, but made the decision to run back in and risk her life for her queen. Sigyn stands for all that you should aspire to. Someone recently told me that a little bit of optimism can go a long way. I believe that Sigyn has bigger plans ahead of her. Which is why, I Odin Allfather, dub thee, Sigyn Goddess of Victory."

I kneeled before Odin as I was dubbed. The crowd cheered once more and the band began to play. I smiled and stood up, turning and curtsying to the audience.

"Now, it's time for a feast!" Thor grinned.

The rest of the night was eating too much food, drinking too much mead and dancing away our problems. I actually think I needed something to take me away from everything that was happening. Everyone retired for the night eventually, and Odin even planted a kiss on my cheek as he retired. I smiled over at Thor and Jane. Jane had been relatively quiet tonight, but Thor had drank too much mead and couldn't stop shouting my new name every time he took a sip. I left the great hall and decided to head down to Kurse to visit Loki.


Loki's POV

I have to admit that my heart hurt a little to have missed her big day. She stood before me in a beautiful blue evening gown. I think what I liked most is that it wasn't the obnoxious Captain America Blue or the dark navy blue that my father once donned. It was a bright, light blue. It suit her well. I smiled at her.

"Well hello." 

She smiled back and sat down on the stair at the base of the barrier once more. She was smiling, but her eyes looked sad. I frowned.

"(Y/n). You're troubled." 

"I wish you were there tonight."

"So do I."

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