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Heya guys! Sorry it's been a while... I had my exams coming up not long after part 3 was published so I focused on them for a wee while. Anyways a lot of you seem to like this so let me know what you think! Enjoy!!

A x

EDIT 2024: HUGE rape/SA TW. I wrote this originally in 2018 and I am so sorry for not including a TW and honestly including this trope at all. Love to you all, I have added a TW around the specific part so you can read untriggering parts below ❤️


I knocked on the large golden doors timidly. There was no reply. I gulped, knocking again. I heard a slight groan from inside.

"Ugh...Who is it?"

"Your highness, it is your maid."

"Oh. Come in."

I opened the doors carefully, holding a large golden plate with saucers full of water and honey. Loki was still in bed, half asleep. He watched me come in, his tired eyes following me across the chamber. His hair was unkempt and falling into his eyes, his bare arms shielding his eyes from the light coming through the window. Man, he is trouble.

"What did I tell you about calling me 'your highness', maid?" Loki spoke, his voice low and raspy.

"Um, what should I call you instead, your highne-"

"Just call me Loki. It is my name after all, maid." I roll my eyes and turn back to what I was doing, mumbling quietly to myself.

"Well I have a name too, Loki." I sighed. Loki chuckled.

"I'll pretend I haven't got impeccable hearing, then." I gulped, feeling my face turn red. "What is your name?"

"(y/n). My name is (y/n), your highne- uh I mean Loki." Loki laughed, getting out of bed. He was fully nude. I yelped slightly and turned away.

"What, you don't like what you see? (y/n)?" He emphasised my name. Jesus christ, I wish I was back down in the maidens chambers.

"I am sorry. Your water and honey is on the table. Breakfast will be waiting in the dining hall." I take the empty golden plate and head for the door, but before I could get out it slams shut, and locks. I hear Loki laugh again. I turn around and he has clothes on now, his hair slicked back perfectly, framing his muscular face.

"I have not dismissed you (y/n)." He had a weird look in his eyes. Something I had never seen before in any man.

"Sorry, Loki. What else would you like me to do?"

He paused for a moment, looking around. I assume to find something useless for me to do. He smirked.

"I have a really itchy back. Come and scratch it immediately."

This was going to be a long eternity.


After Loki finally let me go, I felt different. I felt like I didn't actually want to leave. He was heading down for breakfast and my list has since changed, with more than just Loki to look after.

The rest of my day was cleaning up after Loki, Sif and Fandral. Sif was quite quiet around me when we were alone together. Fandral was, well... uncomfortable. He just kept flirting with me and getting a bit too close. Not that I could really do much about that issue. Whatever. It's okay when Loki does it...

No. Stop it (y/n).


When I woke up the next day I realised something. I haven't seen Thor in a while. Not that I'm complaining. Ever since the whole smacking-me-in-the-jaw-with-a-glass debacle I'm glad he hasn't crossed my path. I went to tend my duties to Loki once more. He was... chipper. I hadn't seen him since yesterday afternoon.

Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now