Chapter. 10

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The next morning I woke up and couldn't get my thoughts off Aaron and that slut. I pushed it aside and went down to get breakfast. After breakfast I went up to my room to take shower. I think I'll go shopping to get my mind off of Aaron and hopefully a shower will help with the slight hangover I have.

After getting out the shower I throw on a pair of light blue jean shorts and a red lacy tank top and my tan Sperrys grabbing my keys and walk out to my baby and hall ass to the mall.

While shopping I got several texts from Mason and Aiden but I ignored them and continued with my shopping. Several hours later and with a few bags I got on my bike and headed home. Once I pulled in my driveway there was a car that I haven't seen before in Aaron's. Not thinking much about I went up to my room and put my new clothes up. After that I laid on my bed and I most have fell asleep cause the next thing I know my alarm was blasting.

Shit I got to take a shower before going to school, when I get out the shower I get dressed and head out the door but stopped and looked next door as Aaron was getting in a car with someone but couldn't see who. I got on my bike and headed to school. When I pulled up I walked our to our group and in pulled that black car the slut got out the driver side and Aaron got out the back with some other slut what the fuck. She was all over him, she pushed him up against the car and fucking kissed him. Why did it piss me off?

Aiden grabbed my hand and walked me away from the group.

"Do we need to go to the lake?" He asked. He cared so much about me trying to make me feel good. Well his about to get what his been wanting, if Aaron can I can fuck it.

"No we are going to my house get on the damn bike." He smiled and we jumped on and drove off.

When we got to my house I drugged Aiden up to my room slammed my door and pushed his back up against it and kissed him with everything in me, he grasped and that allowed me to slip my tongue in. His hands were running up and down my body. All I could think about was Aaron wishing it was his hands. Get him out your head Emily damn.

I took Aiden and pushed him on my bed and took his shirt off along with mine. He reached up and grabbed me to pull me on top off him. I grinded on top of him he moaned and turned us over taking the rest of my clothes off and his. I couldn't get that one boy out my head through.

"God Emily you don't know how long I wanted this to happen." I can do this I kept telling myself. As he pushed in me I broke. I pictured Aaron's face if he would to walk in right now and that's all it took as Aiden thrust his first time in me.

"Aiden stop I can't do this. " He looked at me with shock on his face.

"What?" He said getting off of me.

"I can't sleep with you Aiden, it's not right for you." He looked at me confused.

"You love me Aiden and I don't have feelings for you like that, I don't want to hurt you. " he nodded and got dressed, when he was at my bedroom door he turned to me.

"Go get him Emily his a lucky guy." I felt so bad and I said something I never say.

"I'm so sorry Aiden." He nodded and turn to leave me with my thoughts.

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