Chapter 4- The choice is made.

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Inside Jaune's head
Sound effects
Deep voice

Jaune's POV

I am walking around my mindscape. It's very interesting to see how much it has changed since it began. I stop at the most recent change. I look at it and see that it is me in suit shooting at Grimm. I smile, I have changed a lot and it's for the better. I was small and couldn't defend anyone. Now I have more muscle mass and can defend those who can't. I walk away and the scene changes. I am at a dock and I see a Viking style ship docked. I walk onto the ships deck and pick up one of the staffs on the ground. I start to swing it in the air. I hear someone step in the ship. I turn around and see someone I have not seen before.

Jaune: And you are who?

???: My name is not important, but I want you to know this. The final test comes soon, if you fail you cannot try again.

I nod and he enters a portal and disappears. I go back to training and hear someone walk onto the ship. I stop and take a fighting stance, when I turn around I see me.

Jaune: Who are you? Why do you look like me?

Jaune 2: I am the thing that you fear most.

Jaune: Wrong. I dont fear myself, I fear what others might think of me. 

Jaune 2: Correct, but can you face your fear? Can you finally show that who you respect the most, that you are ready to face the world?

I look up at the sky and see it change to night. I look around and see I am in my dorm. I am confused. I look around and see I am in my suit. I unbutton the jacket and sit in a chair. I hear the door open and turn around, I see Pyrrha walks in.

Pyrrha: Hello Jaune. Are you ready to face the music?

I look around my room. I see my pistols sitting on the table, but I also see my sword and shield. I nod, I pick up my sword and shield. I change into my armor and walk over to her.

Jaune: I am ready, life or death. Today I fight to make my fear, fear me.

Pyrrha: Good Jaune. Don't die, we have a date later

I chuckle and kiss her cheek. I walk out of the door and see that I am now in a coliseum. I look around and see it if full of people. I look at the Kings seat and see no one

Jaune: So who am I fighting for the final test?

I hear a door open, I turn around and look at the door. I see a shadow walking out of the gate. I stand my ground and stick my sword into the ground taking the knights honor stance. I see the person that walks out is the mysterious man from earlier that gave me the warning on the boat.

Jaune: So what is your name? And why are you my final challenge?

???: My name is Fear.

Jaune: No. You have no name. You are a piece of me, making you me.

FEAR: So tell me kid, do you think you have what it takes? Do you think you can beat the final challenge.

Jaune: What is the final challenge?

FEAR: The challenge is simple, you have to defeat a fear. One that has been around since the beginning of your huntsman journey.

I look around to see the arena changing. I see the arena has changed into the location of initiation. I look around and me.

Jaune: So, my worst fear. disappointing others.

Jaune(Astral): That is the case. So how do you want to do this? Are you going to fight me? Are you going to talk it out?

Jaune: I'm going to do nothing. My fear has been conquered. I no longer fear disappointing others, I fear what I will do with my skill. So I will continue to learn. I will learn how to use my new skills to help people. Now, if you will excuse me. I have a date to impress.

The other me smiles. I guess that I passed.

J(A): You have passed, Jaune. I'm glad that you have found yourself someone.

FEAR: Come Jaune. It's time to go.

The Astral Jaune gets up and walks away. He just disappears into mid air. Gibbs walks over to me and smiles slightly.

FEAR: Let's get you a better suit

Y/N: Oi' that's my line.

We all smile and laugh a little. The world around me starts to disappear.

FEAR: You will be trained in your semblance tomorrow, tonight enjoy your date Jauney boy.

I smirk and exit the world. I lean up from my bed and look around. I grab jeans and a hoodie. It's time to get a better suit.

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