Chapter 2- I have a sembleance?

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Inside Jaune's head
Sound effects
Demonic voice.

(Y/N)'s POV

After I had my "session" with Ms. Goodwitch I decide that Jaune needs a change of attire. I'm thinking a nice suit, maybe a change of color.

(Y/N): Can I get a suit?

Jaune: Depends how much does it cost?

(Y/N): Maybe, 150 lien.

I feel my heart rate increase for a second.

Jaune: That's a lot of lien!

(Y/N): Not when I'm a master thief.

Jaune: No. we won't steal the suit.

(Y/N): not the suit.

I hold up a wallet

(Y/N): A rich assh*les wallet

I walk into the suit shop and go towards the back, that's where they keep the good stuff.

I walk into the suit shop and go towards the back, that's where they keep the good stuff

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I can see why he loved these color suits. Blood dried blends well with black. I purchase the suit with Ballistic weave in it. I walk out with it folded neatly in a box and walk back to the dorm. I walk in and set the case on my bed. I lock the dorm door and start to change into the suit. I look in the mirror and have to say I look great. I pat and feel the holsters.

(Y/N): Jaune, Have you ever shot a gun?

Jaune: I have been shot by them. Not shot with them.

I facepalm and sigh. I walk to Beacon's shooting range and see two Glock 34's

 I walk to Beacon's shooting range and see two Glock 34's

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They are beautiful. I walk up to the range. I hear the announcer,

A: Take your marks

I get into a shooter's stance with both of the Glocks,

A: Take aim

I lock my target,



I start pulling the triggers on the Glocks and hit the targets dead center each time.

A: Time! Check your targets.

I pull mine in and look at it. Damn, my aim is off by a centimeter. I take down the tavern and take it to the range master.

(Y/N): Here you go sir. Courtesy of Mr. Arc.

I walk out of the range with the Glocks holstered under my arms. I can hear the Range Master losing his shit over my aim. I make it back to the dorm and see that Jaune's team is back.

Pyrrha: Hello Jaune =)

Dear god, she is too cheery.

(Y/N): Hello Pyrrha, how was your day?

Pyrrha: Good, how was yours?

(Y/N): It was great. Check the range, you will know why.

Curious Pyrrha walks out and heads to the range. I quickly transfer all my knowledge of shooting to Jaune and switch with him.

Jaune: A warning next time?

(Y/N): Shut up and don't blow it.

Pyrrha walks into the room with a surprised Ren and Nora.

Pyrrha: How...

REN: You...

Nora: Do that?!?

Jaune smirks and puts his hands under his arms and draw out Chaos and Pain.

Jaune: With a squeeze and some tings

Nora jumps from the fast movement, Pyrrha looks surprised that he has them, and Ren looks suspicious of us.

(Y/N): Enough showing off, put them away before we get busted.

Jaune puts the guns back and takes of the suit jacket. He hangs it on a chair. He takes of the holsters and sets them on a desk. He sits on his bed and looks at Pyrrha. I feel out heart rate increase.

Y/N: Grow a pair or move one Jauney boy. Before she does

Jaune: Tomorrow. I need to think on it.

Y/N: Fair enough, good night partner.

Jaunes takes out the footy, he then puts it back and pulls out shorts and a t-shirt. Finally, he growing up. He will be the perfect warrior and Hitman. I zone back in as I see he has finished folding the suit. Seems he has finally figured out how to use our memory link. He drifts off to sleep. Training time.

Jaune's POV

I look around. The school is there, I have just got off the bullhead. But then I blink and school is in ruins. I am holding my sword and one gun, I charge for a grim and see in its teeth, a crown... my anger gets the best of me and I charge it head first. I plunge my sword deep into its skull and shoot it till the mag is empty. I look around and see no one is left. The school is in ruins, the huntsmen are gone. It is the dark age. I then see a light. I look up and see Y/N standing there.

Y/N: Come Jaune. It's time to train so this doesn't happen.

I get up and follow him. I look skeins to see that we are on a Viking style ship and in the middle of nowhere.

Jaune: So what no-

I get hit in the back of the head with a staff. I then see one being thrown to me. I catch it and look at Y/N.

Jaune: We beat each other with sticks?

Y/N: Until you are ready yes. These sticks turn off Aura. So you are in life and death combat.

I see Y/N smirk. I can tell this is going to hurt. We bow and circle each other. He charges first, I try to counter but he hits me in the ribs then the head.

Y/N: Again.

I get up slowly and get back into stance, He does the same thing. This time I hold my position. I see my opportunity, I go to strike but he counters me and hits me this time in the back.

Y/N: Again.

I get up and do it again, and again, and again. I have been doing this for what feels like an hour. I have a broken rib and fractured wrist. But I am not done till he is down and out. I see him smirk and stop. He throws away his staff and I do the same.

Y/N: You passed the first test of your semblance.

I look at him confused

Jaune: My semblance?

Y/N: Is old and rare. It requires tests. One of three. The next one is two times harder. Your aura will fix your bones. Tomorrow night, bring your boxing gloves Jauney boy.

I smirk and lean up from my bed. It's time to train. Time to get in shape so I can beat the tests and use my semblance to protect Pyrrha, and all my friends.

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