Chapter Seventeen

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The dawn of their last day together was as grey as those that had come before it, with lingering clouds shrouding the city in a strange silvery light. Amaruil felt the dread which had settled in her stomach grow a little larger with every passing second. Even when Legolas came to spend his last day in Rivendell with her, she could only see images of the time without him which was drawing ever nearer, and was consumed with terror.

“Do not trouble yourself with such fears Amaruil,” Legolas said. “The Nine Walkers do not leave until this evening. There are many hours ahead of us which delay our parting.”

“Time is of no importance to me Legolas. I know that you are leaving and that is enough to prevent me from enjoying this last day together,” she replied gloomily.

“Enjoy it for me,” he said, pulling her face up to his. “I want to remember you with a smile on your face, not mourning a death which will never come.”

“It is something worse than death which hangs over me, for I know that you will leave before the night has drawn in. The wait preys on me but I will try to banish those thoughts, if only for you,” Amaruil finally said, her gaze fixed on Legolas, her gaze as intense as if her happiness relied on it.

“I am sorry that I have made you forgo your vow,” Legolas murmured after a short silence.

“It was hastily made,” said Amaruil, hoping her empty words would reassure him, “for at the time I knew not what I was rejecting out of fear.”

“Nevertheless you wished to protect yourself and although I am greatly pleased by the outcome…” Legolas stumbled over his words slightly as he studied Amaruil’s turned head, “I am sorry that it has come at such a time.”

“If you wish to release yourself from whatever ties us together you may,” she whispered. “I understand that the times are hard and…” Here she stopped, unable to find the words to continue as a chilling wind tugged on her cloak.

“Of course nothing is further from my mind - or do you forget that it was I who asked you to stay with me?” Legolas replied vehemently. “I just want you to be content; I know not the time nor the outcome of this journey and I would not that you put anything on hold for me.”

“You would even that I left for Valinor if all seemed lost?” she asked.

“Only if all was lost. I just do not want you to… to honour this beyond what is necessary.”

“Surely everything is deemed necessary? If Arwen can renounce the Twilight what, for us, is to go too far?”

“Endangering yourself Amaruil,” said Legolas as he gathered her to him, “that is to go too far; for if we are separated we may be reunited in the Undying Lands; in death, though I would do all that I could to find you, that may not happen.” Amaruil found it impossible to tear her eyes away from his as she curled into him and took comfort from his warmth. “I would that it could,” she breathed quietly.

Amaruil folded herself to him, closing her eyes as she felt his warmth radiating through her, the woody smell which hung about him enfolding her in its embrace as he held her. Around them the birds sang and the clouds drifted by, but time stood still for the entwined couple. As the time trickled by Legolas found it impossible to let go of Amaruil; why was the world so cruel that almost as soon as he’d found her he was torn away again? His heart ached at the thought of being separated again and he wondered if he could stay by her side forever.

Eventually Legolas was roused from their embrace by the quickly darkening shadows and he reluctantly removed his hands from Amaruil’s waist; as he did so the loud peal of a bell rang through the air. “It is time for me to ready myself for the journey Amaruil,” he said gently, tracing her cheek with his fingers as he studied her face. “I must return to my rooms but you will bid me goodbye when we depart, will you not?” he asked anxiously.

“Of course,” Amaruil said, her words so quiet as if to have been whispered.


Another peal of the bell signified something much more menacing; the departure of the Nine Walkers. Amaruil picked her way through the tendrils of plant which escaped the neat borders of the paths and made her way towards the gate to Rivendell. There she saw a number of people assembled: Aragorn saying his final farewells to Arwen through his eyes; Frodo, the tiny hobbit who was to have the hardest trial of all; three more hobbits which Amaruil vaguely remembered seeing around Imladris; a tall, proud man who was clad in elaborate armour; a squat dwarf with an enormous axe; Mithrandir in his flowing grey robes, his staff in one hand; and Legolas casting his eyes around worriedly. A small smile spread on his face when his eyes alighted on Amaruil and he broke away from the group. “I was beginning to worry that you would not come,” he admitted, “we are about to leave.”

 Amaruil reached for his hand and turned it over, exposing his wrist where she traced his pulse lightly. “I have something for you,” she said as she deftly transferred a silver bracelet from her wrist to his.

“No Amaruil I-” he protested.

“Please take it,” she pleaded. “I want to think that you carry a bit of me with you.”

“I will always carry a bit of you with me Amaruil; you are forever in my heart,” Legolas murmured passionately as he ran his finger over the beautiful silver waves, each one joined with another and gleaming in the dying light.

Suddenly a hand appeared on Legolas’ shoulder and Aragorn appeared behind Legolas; he muttered something into his ear, his eyes flashing towards Amaruil every so often before shooting her a sympathetic look. “We must leave now Amaruil,” Aragorn said simply, his voice and eyes filled with the understanding which his words would not betray, but that his situation with Arwen gifted him. This said he span around and left quickly, returning to his place beside the other travellers as Legolas sought to memorise Amaruil one last time.

Amaruil clutched at his arm as he turned to leave, and with desperation in her eyes and lacing her words she begged, “Please Legolas, please be safe… come back to me. Im gosta,” she whispered.

“Hebo estel Amaruil,” Legolas said kindly, worrying his lip as he wished for the time to comfort her, “all will be well in the end.” And, with one torturously quick final embrace, Legolas tore himself away and returned to the Nine Walkers, leaving Amaruil gazing after him, her vision blurring with tears of shock and sadness. “Ná Elbereth veria le,” she sighed to herself as she watched Elrond proclaim the formation of the Fellowship of the Ring; as they turned to leave, casting final glances back, Amaruil turned away, and when Legolas’ eyes sought her in the gathered people he found only an empty space where she had been before.


'Im gosta' means 'I'm scared', 'Hebo estel' means 'have hope' and 'Na Elbereth veria le' means 'May Elbereth protect you.'

Anyway, as per usual votes and comments are really appreciated so that I know ignoring my work is worth it! :D

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