Book 2: Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

"Best to just let her be. There's nothing you'll get out of her and if you end up waking her at the wrong time and manner. I don't wish to be around when that happens."

When the princess had been nothing but a young warrior training under Dwalin in her first few years, the warrior worked her so hard. The first time Poppy had to call off her lessons in order to allow her daughter to sleep, no one was quite prepared for what was to come. Obviously Ori had not been aware that Linnéa needed to miss training and upon receiving no answer from her bedroom door walked in to see what was keeping the girl. She had been late to meet up with him in the market. He did not give up his task at hand to wake up the princess, not wishing Dwalin to be upset with them for being late. Their teacher was known to run them through extra drills if that were the case.

As Linnéa's eye cracked open Ori barely had enough time to duck as a small ax went sailing through the air. It actually became caught in the stonewall behind him. Paling, his head turned away from the weapon to see Linnéa glaring at him unamused. He scurried out the door as quickly as his legs could carry him. The princess apologized profusely once completely conscious the next day, after Dwalin tried to explain to her what happened through much laughter. After that incident no one dared to wake the young woman if she was deemed that exhausted.

Linnéa rolled her eyes at her comrade's comment and slipped the last strap into place.

"I think my growing hunger out weighs my lingering exhaustion," the princess stated. "The faster we get to Edoras, the faster everyone is able to fill their bellies after so many days of struggles. I'll even roast all of the pigs to feed this army of people if I have to."

Leaving the room, people rushed about to gather their things for the journey home. Gimli and Linnéa maneuvered through the halls with ease making their way towards the stables. Her stallion already stood saddled, checking the paddings and straps to be sure everything was secure.

"Are you well?"

The young woman noticed the Elf standing at the wooden door to the stall, white horse standing behind him completely at ease.

"Gimli told you about my odd sleep habits," Linnéa stated. His question alone was as dead give away as he nodded. "I still say he embellishes for his own amusement to see the reactions of others. I'm fine though. Unlike the Elves, feasts and a long rest are the best medicine for us after a battle."

Leading their horses through the streets and over the causeway, all gathered in the valley beyond the wall. They joined Aragorn and Gandalf at the head of the traveling caravan awaiting for the king to come. He was the last to arrive, riding through the crowd with Gamling and Éomer. And the rest of the warriors mounted their steeds as well prepared to ride out.

There was a low rumble in the distance, their heads turning to look to the east where storm clouds began to gather. It was a sign from Mordor that this was only the beginning as Legolas noticed the strange cloud formations. This was not the end. Not even close.

"Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift," Gandalf spoke. A patch of the darkened clouds lit up due to the fires of Mordor flaring with power. "The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin. All our hopes lie with two little Hobbits somewhere out in the wilderness."

Linnéa only hoped they were alright out there in the Wild as they drew closer to the enemy.

"But first, it is time to visit an old friend," the Wizard said.

His expression grew grave at this next part of their journey. While the soldiers led the villagers back to Edoras they would head north towards Isengard. To see a certain Wizard that once was their ally. They couldn't allow Saruman to roam free with the fear of attacking them again once amassing another army. The feast would have to wait as they rode out towards the rolling hills with haste.


My King,

The battle for Helm's Deep has been won and Saruman's forces were destroyed for the time being. We ride out for Isengard to put a stop to his reign of terror and destruction. I hope we will be able to stop him so that is one less enemy we have to worry about. But I fear this is only but a small taste of what Sauron has to offer. The darkness is only growing and I pray that Erebor and Dale remain safe with their distance from Mordor. But even our home will run out of time if something isn't done. It is time to meet them head on. I fear we will not be returning home any time soon.

Gimli is well and fought hard at the battle of Helm's Deep. Brave... or foolish he even jumped off one of the walls into a hoard of Uruk-hai to save my life, so I'll settle on bravery for the time being. We have a few tales to tell when we return.

Stay safe, watch the borders and warn Dale of the impending danger. Tell everyone not to worry about us. Because even if you deny it, I know all of you are concerned. We will be just fine. The two of us are among friends.


To be continued...

Book 2: Where They Are Going [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now