Chapter 9

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All listened to what Aragorn had to say regarding the approaching army they discovered beyond the walls of Helm's Deep. They were completely speechless, when the Ranger came to an end. Even Legolas and Gimli appeared uneasy as they stood on either side of Linnéa. A long pause engulfed the room as the king began pacing deep in thought.

"A great host, you say?" Théoden questioned.

"All Isengard is emptied," Aragorn stated.

"How many?"

"Ten thousand strong at least."

The king turned to him in disbelief, the rest of the room paling at the number. "Ten thousand?" he asked in a whisper.

"It is an army bred for a single purpose: To destroy the World of Men. They will be here by nightfall."

Again there was another pause as the information completely sunk in: what marched their way, where they were coming from, and their sheer numbers that outnumbered their own. Surprisingly, the fear went away quicker than Linnéa expected it would as a determined look came over the ruler.

"Let them come," Théoden said.

The king walked swiftly from the room. The Fellowship to share an approving look and follow after with Gamling at their heels.

"The people cannot stay in the streets, and our provisions need to be protected in order to survive," the man ordered. He then looked to Gamling, "I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall. Start moving the women, children, and elderly into the caves."

Nodding, the lieutenant rushed off. Their path led to the front gates where the few guards manning it flicked their eyes in Linnéa's direction and quickly glanced away. The princess smirked slightly and gave a warning look to tease them. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Legolas. He looked quizzically between the men and his traveling companion only to finally put two-and-two together. He realized that these individuals were the only things stopping Linnéa from leaving the stronghold to look for Aragorn. She probably threatened them to get through, which was very amusing.

"You there," Théoden spoke up to the guards. They immediately snapped to attention. "Start fortifying this doorway with strong wood. It needs to be barricaded by nightfall."

None questioned his order and rushed off to fulfill the request.

"We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or set foot inside the Hornburg!"

"This is no rabble of mindless Orcs," Gimli finally spoke up. He had heard enough of the king's rabble and mindless pleasantries directed at this small fortress. "These are Uruk-hai," he stressed. "Their armor is thick and their shields broad."

The king stared down at the warrior in a harsh and unimpressed manner. "I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep."

He then shot a look in Linnéa's direction and marched past them back inside the gates.

"And they say Dwarves are stubborn," the princess grumbled.

Aragorn's hand patted Gimli's shoulder as he passed causing the warrior's eyes to roll in response.

"They will break upon this fortress like water on rock," Théoden spoke once more.

They made their way along the second wall, looking out over the valley ahead that would soon be crawling with the enemy.

"Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before. Crops can be resown, homes rebuilt. Within these walls we will outlast them."

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