Chapter 9: The Citizen's Star

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Have you ever heard of the Citizen's Star? No. Well, it's time to inform you. The Citizen's Star is the heart of The Light Empire. This artifact is fueled by the pure light of it's citizens hearts. It's also fueled by their hopes and happy dreams. Sounds like the Crystal heart right? It's not though. The light Empire was once part of the crystal empire. They had split when one of the old rulers broke the crystal that connected the two. The Citizen's Star was originally used to connect the ponies on both sides of the old kingdom. Now with The Citizen's Star apart from it's sister artifact, it began to form a castle. The kingdom wasn't surrounded by the Star's power but the power of those who had solely loved the now Light Empire. Finally, there was the royal family.

A princess was born from the Star. Her name was Princess Shining Star. The people had given her this name because she shined like the Star itself. Her mane and fur were pure white and her eyes a cool purple so the legends had told. She was loved by all the Empire. She was powerful, gentle and kind. Her wings had faded from white to a light purple. Yes, she was an alicorn but the thing is she had the same amount of life as one of her subjects. Soon, she picked her most trusted subjects to become her counsel. So from then on, they made decisions that were to hard for the now queen to make as well as their descendants after them. Now that that's done let's continue with the real story at hoof.

I woke up with Sombra looking directly at me and he seemed angry. I blinked a few times then he asked, "Yearning what was that last night?" I was confused for a moment and then remembered. "Well, you see..." I continued to tell him how I ran away from my kingdom. He looked at my back in confusion and asked, "You had wings?" I just nod my head. "How did you lose them?" he asked. "I don't want to answer that now." I simply say. Then, I began to feel pain in my chest. It was kind of like when the crystal heart released that energy but this time there was a pain.

Right away, I feel a hoof under my chin. I look up to see Sombra's worried eyes. "I.. I'm fine." I stuttered a bit. "I don't believe you." I feel his hot breath on my lips. The pain hits again causing me to cringe. I also lose my balance and fall onto Sombra. He catches me with his magic which seems to be more green. The greens of his eyes seemed lighter. His red irises seemed to be some sort of brown now. I couldn't help but stare. The pain continued for about an hour or so. Then, it just stopped.

The blue sky had some small clouds. I stood on the top of a guard's tower. I was up here all alone. I loved the feel of the wind in my mane. The tower was made of the same light crystal as the rest of the kingdom's structures were. I looked out-out past the borders of my kingdom. I only saw the kingdom staring back at me. The field was a mirror that imitated the Light Empire. I flew down to the edge of the field. I tilted my head side to side and the field mimicked me. I was about to set my hoof on it but I was stopped by a voice, "Yearning Silhouette it's not time yet. You must wait. The time will come." I blinked in confusion but I pulled my hoof away. I looked around but there was no pony there. I flew over the tower and back to my room.

I lay there on the couch with my hoof up to my chest. Sombra had gone to clean up. I watched the embers in the fire. Them. I spot something above the fireplace. I get up and head over to it. The brick above the fireplace had a line going into it and a dent that looked like a handle. I used my magic to pull on the handle. The brick opened a small door. I looked inside to spot a jewel along with a note. I opened up the note to read, "
Dear Yearning Silhouette,

I know I should have told you before but the council had thought you as the one one who will bring darkness to our kingdom. As your mother, I don't believe them. None of my children could be evil. As a queen, I must believe the council. Yearning I don't see a spark of evil in you. I don't see it in your sister either. Only time will tell when one of you will turn. Yearning I do love you. Always remember that.


Your mother

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