Bad Hearts warming eve

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Midnight's POV

" Ok sweetie," My mom Dawn says to me, "This is your last day before the break, so be good!"

I sigh, "Mom, you don't have to worry!" She sighs, "But what about your friend you hit that other filly!"

"I hate it when she brings that up," I think to myself "GG isn't even that bad of a filly! She just was upset and defending me! I hadn't seen her for the past week, so I think she's sick. " "Don't worry mom! Your way to over protective!"

She sighs, "I guess your right, but hurry and don't miss the bus, your sister is visiting soon!"

"I forgot...... How could I forget my own twin sister?!? " I think on the bus, "She is the only Pegasus in my family of unicorns, so she was sent to live with my aunt Aurora in cloudsdale when we where little. I haven't seen her in years, I wonder if she has her cutiemark! That would be cool."

Angel bumps me, I forgot she was sitting next to me. "Sooo, what are you doing for the break?" she says. " Remember Marble? Or did you move here after that." I said. "Yeah I do, IS SHE COMING?!" She exclaims. I nod.

All for now guys, sorry for being so late, some of the stuff in this story happend in my life, so I was busy. >~< spoilers if you know me.... but if you know me your ponysona is probably in the story.. lol •u• ttyl

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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