Before she spoke I opened my mouth.

"His name is Parker and he is a nice kid. He has a boyfriend who is his dom. We talked for only a few minutes after class and he hurried off to meet his dom for lunch.", Demi reached out and held my shoulders.

"Baby, I don't doubt for a minute that he is a good kid, I also don't doubt that he's gay. She has falsely accused you of something, it will get mentioned. Don't worry." I nodded and swiveled my head as the doors to the classroom opened.

The students who are normally in the class started to come in.

Demi gave me a quick kiss on the head and walked down to the instructor.

I turned back to the door right as Kehlani, Lauren, Dinah and Troye walked in.

Kehlani spotted me right away and busted into a sprint, running at me and jumpnig onto me.

I laughed as we both fell back, the thud making people walking by stop for a moment.

Kehlani giggled as she held onto me.

We both looked up and saw Lauren above us, she didn't seem too happy about Kehlani tackling me, I didn't care though.

"Kehlani.", Lauren spoke in a serious tone, a threatening one at that.

Kehlani pouted but stood up, helping me up as well.

She stood next to Lauren and bowed her head, a pout across her lips.

Lauren sighed and shook her head, giving me a smile as she sighed.

"I'm sorry Ry, I've been trying to get her to stop doing that, I know it get ann-", I shook my head and gave Kehlani a hug.

"It's not annoying, I couldn't care les-", Suddenly a hand covered my mouth, I looked behind me and saw Demi. She had a serious expression across her face.

She removed her hand and gave me a look.

"We do not interrupt others, especially dominates. Lauren isn't your dom but you will treat her with respect, just like how you will do the same for me.", I was kinda speechless.

This was out of nowhere and I didn't know how to react.

I just bowed my head and kept my mouth shut.

"I'm sorry Lauren, I haven't been teaching her about the respect given to doms. I need to get back into training, she's gonna be a tough case.", Lauren laughed and nodded.

I just shrunk back, not finding a reason to be near when I wasn't in a conversation.

Demi turned around as I rested against the chair behind me.

"Ry, come back here, you don't just walk away.", I scrunched up my face, confusion written across my face.

"Why? I wasn't part of the conversati-", Demi's nostrils flared and I swear I saw a glint of red in her eyes.

"By my side, now.", I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking over and standing by my side.

Demi grabbed my left wrist and held onto me tightly.

She kept talking o Lauren. Kehlani was silent the whole time.

Dinah and Troye stayed in the back, not causing an issue.

"I apologize again Lauren, manners will be taught to her very soon....very, very soon.", I took a deep breath and just shut my mouth.

I wanted to talk back, honestly. Mostly to push her buttons but I chose against it.

Suddenly the shrill sound of the bell rang through the room.

Demi smiled to Lauren. Kehlani looked up and at Lauren, Lauren nodded, motioning for her to go sit where I sit.

Kehlani nodded and gave Lauren a kiss, walking away quickly without saying another word.

Demi turned to me and gave me a kiss as well. When she pulled away she smiled to Lauren and told her to have a good class.

Lauren nodded and said bye, walking over to where Kehlani was sat.

Demi turned to me again, moving her hand up quick and gripping my chin.

"Have a good class, if anything happens between the instructor and you, or another student, tell me. I love you baby, go to your seat." I nodded and quickly pulled her down again for another kiss. She smirked as we kissed, her right hand gripping my butt slightly.

When she pulled away she gave me a little tap to get going.

I blushed and nodded, turning and going to walk.

Before I took a step I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me back.

I turned and saw Demi holding on.

She pulled me back a little, getting next to my ear and whispering.

"And don't think I'll forget your problem with your manners. I know I didn't tell you that rule but you should have that respect anyways. You'll be getting punished during your lunch. Now go to your seat for real this time. Love you baby."

....Oh damn....


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