Brody St

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I said I was sorry for leaving
But I knew I didn't mean it
Because in my heart I never left
I was always at 2900 Brody St
Even when my head lay elsewhere to sleep

I begin to recollect the words and feelings
And thoughts and muscle movements
Leading up to me saying I must go
Your clenched jaw
Your unwillingness to look at me
I thought you wanted nothing to do with me
Little did I know you were just trying to breathe

I couldn't comprehend what you said at first
But when I did a split second later
I felt the blood drain from face and fall
Fall all the way to my feet
Causing it to be hard to move
Because I felt that if I moved
A space would grow between us wider than the earth and the sun

But move I did.
Slowly I didn't know what to do or what to say
I was hoping it was a game.
When I understood it wasn't a game I swallowed the loneliness that was welling up inside of me like Hurricane Andrew
And walked outside

That was the hardest thing I ever had to do
And as I sat in the car
Waiting to see if you would run out after me
And realizing you weren't
I could slowly feel a numbness proliferate
Through my being and I began to drive

Hurt is the least I was
Overwhelmed with grief over having lost my bestfriend I am
I could not believe that the day of reckoning for you and I had come and with it a truth I shoved into the recesses of my mind
That I can love you like love song
But your song is always gonna be silence

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