Need a bitch

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I can't move,

I can barely breathe.

I'm sitting here listening

To my soul whispering,

"Give up, nobody wants your faggot ass here, God doesn't want you, ya mama doesn't want you, t'fuck are you still doing here".

I don't know anymore.

But I do know I don't need a bitch to tell me she don't love all of me.

Because I have enough self love to love all of me and all of you.

I'm so tired of holding back, lying, staring, and crying about the fact that I can't tell my motherfuckin' mother that I like a boy for fear of her throwing a bible at my head.

Or my church disowning me because they said my God doesn't love fags.

But I don't need a bitch dressing like she in high school hittin' her mid-30's perputraiting a lie.

Because I know the truth and its totally not that.

What I do need is a bitch telling me to stand up and walk, because if I sit down and look at the sand for too long I will start to believe what I've been told my whole life and I'm not about to end it because a bitch lie'd and wanna say oops my bad after I'm already dead and gone.

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