Song of the Silent

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I was 15

Him 21

We were alone in a room together

I thought he was the coolest

He was, He was the coldest.

He came at me from behind

Took me against my will

Had me until he had his fill

Me screaming bloody murder

Him pushing further.

When I got home, parents in the living room

They said hello

I answered back with a burst of tears.

Today was the day I was taught to fear

I told them what happened

They sat back and asked me what was I wearing.

Bitch I wore jailbait around my neck

A pair of skinny adorations for him, a v-neck but I got a d- below deck, and Chuck Fakers.

They said men sometimes can't control themselves, you know that you're a boy.

No he chose to use his god-given gift of choice to take my voice away.

Just like how I chose to make him a eunuch.

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