Just as I was about to change, my phone buzzed but it wasn't from Alexander or Cassidy, it was from Carlos. 

'You alright?' It read. 'Didn't think you'd answer in front of your friend. BTW I followed them and they mostly bad-mouthed you. They planned to put everything behind them.'

I was taken back by his boldness. It seemed being part of a hate organization made you bolder.

'I'm fine,' I replied and sent the message. 

Even though he was checking up on me. I wasn't about to go on a rant. We were definitely not friends. I did want to know why he wasn't at school and if he was still part of the Purists, but I held off from asking. Whatever Carlos was into now wasn't my problem. As long as he stayed away from Alexander and me, we weren't going to have an issue.


Alexander texted me that night. I was already in bed when my phone buzzed. 

'At a hotel. These meetings went on forever 😑

'Sorry to hear that,' I replied. 'Do you have more meetings tomorrow?'

'Not sure. Have to ask. How was ur day?'

I bit my lip. Should I tell him now or wait?

'It was something else,' I sent. 'I'll tell you everything when you come back.'


Looking at his text, I couldn't help but smile. So this is what it felt like to be in a relationship. There weren't any butterflies, there was just contentment.

'What about you?' I asked. 'Were you bored? I remember that you get bored easily.'

'😑 wow. I can't believe you went there.'

'I'm teasing. But seriously, how was it?'


I chuckled. 'You'll survive.'

'I hope so. I have to go. I'll text u again when I can.'

I sent him a kissy face before I changed my mind. It was so much easier to be affectionate through text. Alexander replied with his kissy face emoji.

Sighing, I plugged my phone in and snuggled into my covers. Despite everything that happened, it was safe to say today ended with a high note.

The next day, Miguel and Connor cornered me in the hallway. I'd been making my way to third period when the two of them appeared before me, blocking my path. Lisa had given me a heads-up this morning. Cassidy had told her about those girls and, of course, Lisa had to share it with the boys too. 

"Can I help you?" I asked. "I have to get to class. Not everyone can teleport."

"I heard what happened," Miguel said. "I can't believe you let that happen."

I gaped at him for the longest time. "What?" I asked. "You think I could have done something more than I did?" I turned to Connor but he was as silent as ever.

"They're your people," Miguel began.

At that, I laughed. "My people? What the heck are you talking about? Just because they were humans, you think I have the power to control them?"

My voice grew louder and louder as I spoke. A few heads turned our way but I was beyond caring. 

"I'm sorry about what happened to Cassidy. Yeah, she was technically harassed by humans but I had no control over that. People are going to be like that and I can't change that. All I can do is step in and stop it. If you're so worried about her, be her bodyguard."

I attempted to walk past him but he grabbed my arm. When I looked at him in the eyes, I was calmed and that scared me.

"Let go," I said softly, "before you lose something."

No one was going to touch without permission least of all Miguel. I barely even knew that guy and he was already being like this. He reminded me of Alexander at the beginning which is why I wasn't going to put up with this crap. Plus, if Alexander ever found out someone put their hands on me, he wasn't going to be happy. 

"Miguel," Connor suddenly said. "We're at school."

Almost reluctantly, Miguel released my arm. I continued to stare him down until the bell rang overhead. 

I turned my back and headed down the hall. Sure, Cassidy was put into a bad situation but did he have to do that to me? How dare he say something like that? What else did he want me to do? The fact that he touched me, ugh. If I had a textbook, I would have slammed it into his face. So far, that tactic had worked. I'm sure I could make it worked again. 

My mood was sour for the rest of the day. I was more pissed off that Miguel thought I was at fault for what happened. The fact that he also touched pissed me off even more. I barely even knew him and he was already trespassing upon my personal space. Well, I had knocked down one vampire off of a much higher pedestal. I could do the same to Miguel.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now