The Unforgettable Promise

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"Ben? Where are you going?" His mom  asked when she heard Ben moving already in his room.

"Just for a walk." Ben lied giving his mom a smile.

"This late?" She questioned.

"Yeah. I can't sleep. So I thought maybe if I took a walk it would tire me out." Ben lied again.

"Okay. Try not to be out too late then." Belle replied moving out of his way.

"I won't. Don't worry." Ben hugged her. "Don't wait up for me though.

"I promise." She said slowly smiling.

"Mom." Ben started complaining.

"I won't." She stated.

"Thanks you." Ben hugged her again. "I won't be long."

After that Ben grabbed the keys for one of the limos and quietly opened the garage door and got into the car.

He arrived at the isle and went straight to their hideout. He did the same thing he saw Evie do. He threw a  rock at a "caution rock" sign. He knocked on the door, then waited.

"Can I help you?" Jay answered the door and asked.

"I'm here to see Mal." Ben replied stepping back a bit.

"It's okay Jay." Evie called to him. Then walked over to the door. "Come in Ben." She grabbed Ben's hand and pulled him in.

"Where is Mal?" Ben asked looking around. 

Jay was looking strangely at Ben, then spoke. "Why do you care so much about Mal?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Just ignore Jay." Evie told Ben. "He's just trying to scare you. But Mal should be back soon." 

"Where did she go?" Ben asked.

"She just went out to grab a snack." Evie replied.

"Okay." Ben nodded.

"You can take a seat. If you want." Evie stated and moved out of the way to the couch.

"Thanks." Ben said and started making his way to the couch.

Before Ben could get over Jay stood between Ben and the couch. "I never said you could sit there." 

"Jay come on. Let him sit." Evie complained.

Before Jay replied the door opened and they all looked over as Mal walked in eating an apple.

"What?" Mal asked looking at the three confused.

"Look who's here M." Evie stated pushing Ben closer to Mal.

"Hey." Ben smiled.

Mal lowered her apple and smiled back a bit. "Hey."

"See I didn't forget about my promise." Ben grinned.

"I see." Mal nodded looking him up and down.

"Something wrong?" Ben asked looking down at his feet, then back at Mal.

"I don't know. It's just. You." Mal started.

"I what?" Ben gave her a confused.

"Nothing. You're nothing. Well I didn't mean it that way! You are something! Not to me though. To other people." Mal started panicking.

Then Ben grabbed her hands and said. "I know what you mean." That made her smile and he smiled back. "Hey you guys don't mind if I borrow Mal, right?"

"Actually..." Jay started, but Evie covered his mouth before he could finish.

"No go right ahead." Evie told him smiling with her hand still over Jay's mouth.

"Thanks." Ben nodded and smiled and him and Mal walked out.

"So what's up?" Mal turned around to him now walking backwards with her hands in her jacket pockets.

"It's about that girl I met a few years ago." Ben started.

"Okay... Go on.." Mal gestured.

"I just wanted see her again and apologize for never coming back for her." Ben explained.

"Well I accept your apology." Mal smiled.

"Mal what are you doing. I said I need to apologize to her not you." Ben gave Mal a questionable look.

"But Ben I am..." Mal stopped as she saw Uma approaching.

"Well, well well. What do we have here?" Uma crossed her arms and was looking Ben up and down. "This your new boyfriend Mal? He seems like he can't enough of you. Asking for you yesterday and he came back here today."

"He's not my boyfriend!" Mal fought back.

"Then why are you two walking alone together smiling?" Uma lifted her eyebrows.

"Because we're friends and we can have fun if we want." Mal stated.

"Mhmm. Whatever later." Uma waved her hand in their face, then left.

"Well she seems friendly." Ben joked.

"Yeah. Totally." Mal also joked and they shared a laugh.

"Oh my there you are." Someone said from behind them. 

They turned around to reveal a guy about the same height as Ben smirking at Mal.

"What do you want Harry?" Mal asked annoyed.

"Just looking for my beautiful girl." Harry flirted trying to get closer.

"I'm not your girl Harry. So back off!" Mal shouted and pushed him back.

"Hey you don't have anyone, so your free for the taking." Harry kept smirking.

Ben kept looking back from Harry to Mal. He knew Mal wouldn't want him saying anything, but he couldn't stand watching Harry treating her like this.

"Actually she does." Ben butted in.

Harry looked over at Ben surprised and Mal put her head in her hand in annoyance.

"Does she now? And who would that be?" Harry asked now getting closer to Ben.

"Leave him alone Harry!" Mal tried pushing Harry away, but he pushed her away instead.

"Who is this mystery person?" Harry questioned.

"It's uh.. It's me!" Ben shouted and took Mal's hand in his and raised it in the air.

"Wait what?! Mal is this true? Are you two really dating?" Harry asked quickly hoping it wasn't true.

Mal looked at their hand, then at Ben, then Harry and replied. "You know it is!" Mal rested her head on Ben's chest.

"Ugh whatever!" Harry complained, then stormed off.

Mal waited for him to leave, then slapped Ben's arm and yelled. "Why did you say that?! I could've handled myself. I have for a long time."

"I'm sorry I just couldn't stand watching him talk to you like that." Ben admitted. "Mal there's something I want to tell you." 

"What?" Mal asked still annoyed with him.

Ben froze up before realizing something. 

"Ben? Ben you okay?" Mal asked waving her hand in front of his face.

"I just.... I just realized something." He told her.

"What is it? What did you realize?" Mal asked getting curious.

"I think I remember who the girl was when I was younger and what the actually promise I made was." Ben stated.

Mal looked at him shocked, but also a little happy about what he said.

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