"If you stop deducting my salary maybe I'll be able to save enough money so that I can leave. It's not as if I want to keep staying here. You've made it very clear that I'm not wanted here"

"You ungrateful child. I took care of you after your parents died and this is what I get in return?"

"What do you mean took care of me? If it weren't for Freddie you wouldn't have taken me in. Now that he's gone, you can't wait to get rid of me. The feeling's mutual Chrissie. The second I save up enough money, I'll leave. You won't even have to kick me out"

"Yeah, well, until then, you're going to work your ass off because you'll be buying for two sets of plates now. How about that?" the older woman asked going back inside. Max leaned against the wall wondering why he had the sudden urge to take her away from that place. From what he'd heard, her parents had died when she was young. Whoever Freddie was, he'd taken her in and raised her but his wife didn't like her.

Emilia. That was her name and it suited her. He tried to picture her life, imagining what she might have gone through. When his father died, he felt as if the world had ended. Luckily he still had his mother who had been there for him. Max didn't want to think what she might have felt when she lost both parents and was left all alone. How lonely had she been?

"Don't make a habit of eavesdropping on people's conversations. It's rude" she said startling him. He moved away from the wall smirking.

"I didn't want to interrupt you guys"

"How noble of you"

"What can I say? My mom taught me well"

"Did you want something or are you just a creep looking for your next victim?"

"I... Uh...."

"Cat got your tongue?"

He scratched the back of his head looking for something to say. He couldn't ask for a job or keep pestering her for her number. So he blurted out "Are you busy?"

"No. But I also don't feel like spending my free time with spoiled rich kids so have a nice day" she tried to leave but he caught her hand

"Come with me. I'm going to show you something"

"What part of..."

"Stop arguing with me for once and just come. I promise you'll like it"

"I still have a job to do"

"I'll buy you ten sets of plates if you spend the day with me"

"I don't need that many plates"

"But your boss does. Look at it this way, if I buy them, your salary won't be deducted and you'll actually be able to save the money"

"I don't need your help" she snapped snatching her hand away from his. Max sighed.

"I have a theory. It doesn't matter how much money you save. She'll never let you leave. Today it's broken plates, tomorrow it'll be cups and the day after that something else. She won't let you save enough money. It's what people like her do. They don't want you but they can't bear to let you go either. I don't know if buying the plates will solve the problem but let me do it. In return you just have to spend the day with me. That's all I'm asking for"

She hesitated. He was getting ready to deliver another big speech but then she nodded. They spent the day going around the city. He took her to a museum then an aquarium and let her pick a cheesy romantic comedy when they went to the movies. Every time she laughed, Max felt as if he'd accomplished something. Every time she looked at him he wanted to kiss her. But he'd promised to behave so he controlled himself.

He's My HusbandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin