Your hand

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Again a little fluffy OS, but i need these last times to writing something like that. Thanks to the people who helped me!

he stifled a yawn. Initially, he never went to the cinema. It's boring, noisy, and a lot of bad things. So, you can understand that he wasn't really happy to being at this place at this moment. But, he it was in this place. Willingly. It's can be seemed stupid or perhaps a little silly -and obviously it was- but because he heard that this person will go to the cinema for see a movie he couldn't help but just ran toward this place for been with him. And now, hidden behind his ushanka he felt stupid. So stupid... This person hates him. He knew that, everybody knew that. But there is something that "everybody" didn't know. It was a terrible secret for Russia, a terrible thing which destroyed him every day with fervour. This feeling of hate wasn't reciprocal. Quite the contrary. So, when he heard that America -because it was him- will go to the cinema alone i didn't' think anymore. He just ran. Ran again and again. And now, he was into the cinema, on the front of the room where the movie will be released, a ticket in the hand. And, he didn't really know what he must to do. America hates him. He shouldn't stay where. He strangled a sadly laugh, and started to go back but a very familiar voice came from the box office. America's voice. He swore and searched a way to flee so that America wouldn't notice his presence. But it was too late for escape, the American headed toward the black room. Quickly, Russia ran into the room before that America can see he was where. He glanced around the room for find the more hidden seat. He didn't remain a lot of place, but at the middle there was few seats and few others at the right of the room, where there is a row of two seats. He knew that the seats in the middle were the best, America will choose it, it was sure. So, discreetly, he sat down in the right row. He tried to be the more smaller possible, but it was in vain... He felt to him a very heavy look, and few seconds later, a person sat down at the seat next to him. He dared to look up at who was sitting at his sides. He stifled a cry of surprise. Just next to him, there was America. He looked at him, waiting a reaction, something. But America didn't pay attention to Russia, he just took off his sunglasses and concentrated on the screen in front of them. Russia didn't know what to do with himself. He swallowed, and tried to seem to be passionate by the movie they were watching.

"...So, you're where ?" Mumbled America with a very calm voice. Too much calm, without emotion.

Russia cleared his throat : "Yeah...Apparently."

"Well...But, since when do you like horror movie ?"

Russia didn't reply.

The taller country tried to focus on the screen, he tried to don't think about who was next to him. But really, the movie didn't help him to don't be concentrated on America. It was a truly dreadful film. Really, except America, there are people capably to spend money for see that ? Humans ever be a mysterious for him. More surprising, America seemed to be scary about the movie. Russia couldn't help but chuckle because of that. America threw him a hateful look, and the person around them told him in chorus to shut up. He was embarrassed, he concealed his face on his ushanka and blush a lot. He just thought it was impossible to get red more than him. A little moment later, he knew he thought wrong, really wrong. He knew that when America's hand just grabbed his hand with fervour. He literally turned completely red. The hand of the smaller compressed his one, held all of his fingers. Slowly, with all his shyness, Russia held America's fingers too. He didn't understand why America did that. He didn't search to know why, this moment was to much unhoped for lose time with speculation. Without knowing if it was a decision of his brain or if these fingers were move of their own initiative, he started to skimmed and then fondled America's skin. She was the sweeter things he has touch during all his life. His thumb slowly made circle on the smaller hand. He savoured the skin texture he has ever dream to feel. This interlacing of hands was as loving as sore because America compressed to much his hand. But, this intertwining represented perfectly their relation. Painful, but terribly sweet.

He stayed like that until all the end of the movie. But, the light came back, and the dream came to an end. Without a look, America just went away. He just swept this moment away. The rough reality catch again Russia when he saw where America went. Just next to Japan. And, finally he understood. He understood why America sat down next to him, why he grabbed his hand. America wanted to saw quietly this movie and with Japan next to him, it must be impossible, it was for that he sat next to him, for keep quiet. And for his hand, it must be because it was frightened, it just a plain and natural reflex.

Something was dead on his mind. He couldn't cry, he couldn't be upset or anything else. His face was empty of expressions. He just was broken. He couldn't help but stared toward the person who destroyed himself. The destiny had a bad sense of humour, because she twisted the knife in the wood. For his misfortune, Russia heard a part of the conversation between America and Japan.

"- Can you imagine that Japan ? Because Russia was sat next to me, i couldn't stay focused on the movie ! He disturbed me so much !"

It was too much for Russia, all the rest of his hope was die with the end of America's sentence. He felt tears ran slowly on his chests. He couldn't wipe them or just tried to hide his distress.

"-Hey fucking dude, listen to me when i talk you !"

With tiredness, Russia raised his eyes and noticed America tried to speak him something. With it was not America and if it was not curious as much, he never would have paid attention to him.

"Listen, I told you that ! Tomorrow, same place, same movie, you must invite me for see again this movie ! Because of you i couldn't be focus on the movie ! I told you ! Be at the good hour and have the money ! Obviously, i want some advantages, i lose my time because of you ! So after the cinema, we must go to a restaurant or something else. Okay communist ?"

Before leave away, he just put his hand on the top of Russia's head.This hand, when she just touched him, all his tears and sadness disappeared. This hand, this sweet gesture, Russia can be sure he will feel it again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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