Chapter 3.

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I woke up in a hosptial and had no idea what happen. I started to freak out. A doctor came in to check on me. "W-what happened?" He told me, "I think you know him but a man named Aaron Goodwin had called in and said that you were on the ground, unconscious." I was shocked. " Aaron Goodwin, you mean the guy from Ghost Adventures?" He laughed. "Yes and they should be here any minute." As soon as he finshed the sentence, there was a knock on the door. "Come in" the doctor said. As soon as the door opened I started crying. Then, the unexpected happened, Zak ran to me, and put is hand on my shoulder.  "Why are you crying" he said in a very concerted voice. "Its just that you guys have helped me through bad times, and you guys make me feel important." They all came over and gave me a hug while i cried on Zak's shoulder.

Hi just wanted to say thanks for reading this and to thank my bff pbaker900!! Thank you :)

Ghost Lovers (zakbagansxreader)Where stories live. Discover now