This earned some nods and agreements.

Mikoto then looked at Lilac. While she was walking to the sidelines, he noticed something on her arm.

Mikoto gapes atonished.

Mikoto:.....Is that a bruise? Where did she get that...?

By the looks of it, they couldn't possibly be from training. He's seen everyone fight before and he doubts either one of his classmates would have the intent to harm Lilac. He watches at the girl quickly heals the wounds with her quirk before anyone else could see them.

Hein:.....You saw that right?

Mikoto:...I thought I was the only one...How did you knew...?

Hein: My werewolf senses...I knew something was wrong the moment she gave that speech.

Mikoto: Yeah... There's no way she made those bruises herself...Now this is very concerning...

Hein only nodded feeling a sense of dread going through her stomach.

Mikoto: Hey...Do you think it's best we ask her...?

Hein:...Maybe later. Right now would probably be not a good time. We'll keep our distance. But in the meantime, we should probably talk to Present Mic about this...

Mikoto: Yeah...That would be a good idea...

Even if it seems the boy knows little to nothing about who is responsible for those bruises, he should at least be able to see how long has this gone on for and how often it happens...

He should at least do something to help.

Lilac Eastwood...

Her case was now looming with open questions.

After seeing the bruises and her change in personality.

It could be possible that Lilac is being abused at home...

Mikoto just hopes that he is wrong this time...


While the pocket healer watches from the sidelines, everyone else was fighting each other with only hand to hand training.

Mikoto was up aganist Kelly.

The two boys circled each other, trying to get an opening before attacking. Neither can really wait as there was no sense in waiting anymore.

Kelly soon lunges forward, close to the ground. He reaches out with his palm, aiming for the other boy's head. Mikoto swiftly dodges. Kelly thrusts his other hand, clenched into a fist, at the boy's face.

Another dodge followed by a kick. Mikoto then took the opportunity to block Kelly's punches instead of dodging. He then uses the moment to throw the other boy to the ground by catching his leg and pulling upwards to try and apprehand him. Kelly realises what's going on and extends his hands to stand on them.

The boy kicks with his other leg, aiming upwards once again at Mikoto's face.

Then time it was direct hit.

Mikoto is forced to let go of the leg to dodge and Kelly twists to land on his feet again.

They start circling each other again.

Mikoto can feel the sweat beaming down his face before it froze up. He lunges forward again, opening with a kick. Kelly blocks. Mikoto punches. Kelly moves to dodge while Mikoto throws a upper cut punch and with timing makes Mikoto punch the other boy in the stomach which sends him flying back.

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now