Chapter 12 ~ Tour of the Underworld

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I woke next morning, only to notice that Eros was no longer beside me, a note on the bed, telling me that he loves me, have a great day and that he had to go to work before I woke.

"Angel," said the giddy voice I now associated with Hermes, looking up to see if I was correct, it turned out I was

"Hermes, what can I do for you this fine morning," I said

"Oh Angel, you do have a way with words," he said "I was told that you were requiring a lift to the underworld this morning by Eros"

"Yes, I promise to allow Hades to give me a tour of the underworld, and to meet Thanatos and Charon," I said

"You have had a tour of the underworld from me, where does Hades want you to see," he said

"The Elysian Fields," I said and he nodded

"I guess that he would be better to show you around the underworld properly but I do hope that he was not wanting to take you to Tartarus," he said

"I will tell him that I do not want to go to see Tartarus," I said "I am sure that he will understand, Hermes, now do you mind helping me with my clothes"

After nodding as I stood, he clicked his fingers replacing my clothes, before grabbing my waist and teleporting us to the underworld. As we arrived I noticed that we had not arrived at the same place as last time.

"Hermes, where are we?" I asked

"The gate to the underworld, Hades is working here," he said, before grabbing my hand and walked through the gate, to a dock, I noticed that Hades, was stood talking with a god with black wings and another with white hair, who was currently stood on a boat. I gasped as I noticed the transparent figure being held by the black-winged god, a sash around the hands of the heart.

"Oh dear, I did not know that they were travelling with a spirit, Angel," said Hermes

"She is terrified of them, Hermes" I admitted causing him to gasp loudly

Unfortunately, this caused Hades and the other two to turn at the noise.

"Hermes?" Hades said confused then he noticed me and his eyes darted from me to the spirit

I walked over slowly and smiled at him, before turning to the spirit and said "you do not have to be afraid, it is alright"

The winged god looked at me confused, still holding the spirit with his hands, I looked up at him, and smiled.

"Angel meet Thanatos," said Hades "Thanatos meet Angel"

"It is finally nice to meet you, Angel," he said

"Likewise, Thanatos but did you know that you are scaring the young spirit in your hands," I said, causing him to gasp

"Well, Well, she can see the spirits," said the white-haired god "the name is Charon, I am assuming that you already know who we are"

"Thanatos is the god of death and you are the ferryman of the underworld," I said and he chuckled softly

"Thanatos, why not try a subtler approach with this spirit," said Hades

"Like" started Thanatos

"Like, let Lady Angel, try and get her to calm down and guide her to the boat without using your sash," said Hades

"It is worth a try," said Charon

I nodded and walked up to the scared spirit, who turned and looked at me, Thanatos sighed softly before releasing the spirit from the sash.

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