Spartan Vs Dragon

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As Y/n was looking at the JSDF who many had looks of confusion or had a surprise look on their faces. After he ask to speak to their commanding officer.

Mindy: Y/n,I think they don't speak English.

Y/n: Oh shit. Alright so what language do you think they know of.

Mindy process the question a bit before responding to Y/n.

Mindy: Well from what I can tell from the primitive vehicles and weapons they have. I guess they were from somewhere in the 20th century give or take. Maybe they are from one of the many countries that were on earth before the UEG. So I'm going on a limb and say they are the Japanese Self Defense Force.

Y/n: You know this how?

Mindy: I've been in their communication system already. It was easy to get in.

Y/n: You didn't tell me about this before I asked them.

Mindy: You didn't ask me if I knew anything about them. Also to see how funny it would be.

Y/n: How,did I ended up with you as my AI?

Mindy: Well to bad for you Y/n. Your stuck with me to the very end. Mendicant though we would compliment each other
Which in my opinion he was right.

Y/n sigh as he could hear Mindy laughing at his reaction over their coms. Though he heard footsteps getting closer to him as he saw a scrawny man with the rank of first lieutenant with two others with him. A blue hair girl with a stick and another one with a giant axe and giving him a smile. Though he had a ominous feeling about that one.

Y/n:*though* One adult with two teen girls who own of them has a weapon more taller than most things I seen except for the gravemind. Nothing weird there. Still something is off about that one I should keep my guard up.

Third Recon  ago

Itami and his unit came out of their shock when they heard the Spartan try and say something to them. Though they didn't get most of it.

Itami: So anyone understood what he said?

Kurokawa: A little sir. It seems he was speaking English.

Itami: Great.

Kuribayashi: I can't believe it.

Mostly everyone turn to wards Kurobayashi as she was smiling and her until leader asked her.

Itami: Kuribayashi, you know who this guy might be?

Kuribayashi: Sir, he is a motherfucking Spartan from Halo.

??: Are you sure?

??2: You idiot, she is right. I can see it now.

Itami: I though it was just a game nothing more.

Kuribayashi: Well we are seeing it right in front of us sir. I can recognize the UNSC emblem from any where.

Kurokawa: You seemed excited Kuribayashi?

Kuribayashi: How can't I. I always wanted to meet a real life Spartan. I always played every halo game that came out before I joined the JSDF.

Kuwahara: I guess that explains a few things.Maybe this is proof of the Multiverse theory.

Itami: Huh. Guess I'll have to have to ask him for his name. So Kuribayashi do you know it.

She look at the Spartan and didn't recognize the armor. She shook her head and replied.

Kiribayashi: Negative. I never seen a Spartan wear that armor. Though I wish it was in the games. It looks so awesome.

Itami: Alright here I go. Hope he doesn't take it as a bad sign.

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