"There's a storm a coming".

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Yesterday was my twenty-second day on this cattle drive. They aren't lying when they say cattle drives aren't easy. My grandad had been waiting on me to join him on cattle drives since I could walk. Grandad used to be a trail boss, but old age made him frail. Grandad was born to somehow always be on a cattle drive, so he became a cook. He missed being a trail boss so much. He was sure not meant to be a cook.

Yesterday was one heck of a day. I woke up thirty after four to feed the horses. When I got back to the campsite, Grandad was cooking breakfast- biscuits, gravy, and coffee. The sun had not yet risen.

"There's a storm a coming", Grandad whispered as he sipped his coffee, "A big one". Grandad wore a pair of wore out overalls and a cowboy hat.

"Shoot Horace", John a drag rider told Grandad, "You don't know your front from your back".

Grandad put a hateful look on his face and said, "Well all y'all ain't gonna be laughing when you get sucked up by a tornader". He kept on drinking his coffee- black, no sugar.

John smacked his knee and said, "Well Horace, maybe it'll be big. You know what they say, everything's bigger in Texas.

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