を Chapter 17 を

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I looked down on Daibazaal from space the destroyed structure nowhere close to the glory the planet used to hold. The planet that once held hope for millions is now the birthplace of fear for every creature in the universe.

I shot forward and landed outside of the castle ruins. Slowly as if she could feel the pain herself purple lowered her head for me to walk out. I walked up to the fallen doors slowly or maybe not, maybe I'm moving faster than I know but the world its self is moving in slow motion.

I stepped over the towering doors that now lay as part of the floor.

~flashback 2 years old~

"Alfor, my dear friend how have you been." The galra man called. "Ive been wonderful Zarkon, but there is someone I need you to see she's a lot bigger than from the last time you saw her." Father said. He slowly moved letting my small figure come into view.

"Is that Y/n quiznack she's grown so much since the last time I saw her." He said as he slowly walked up to me. "Hi Y/n do you remember me?l he questioned and I shook my head no. "Im your Uncle Zarkon." He said smiling at me and putting his hand out for me to shake.

~flashback end~

I Looked away and started up the stairs to the lab room. I looked to see my dummy in the corner with a black and purple dagger plunged into the arm.

~flashback 6 years old~

"But father I want to go with you!" I pleaded. "Y/n you need to stay here I'm sure your mother wants company." He said. "Father please I want to go with you to Uncle Zarkon's!" I begged. "King Alfor let her come it wouldn't hurt anyone." Aunerva said as he entered the room.

"Yeah please!" I begged. "Fine but don't break anything you need to be really careful." He warned I nodded and the three of us entered the ship Aunerva placing me on her lap. "So Aunt Aunerva why are you going to uncle Zarkon's?" I asked as I played with my fingers.

"Your father and I discovered something that could protect the entire universe if used properly." She responded as she braided my hair. "What is it called?" I questioned. "Its called quintessence its in everyone even you." She said.

I don't know what happened after that because Aunerva tarted humming and rocking me causing me to fall asleep in her arms.

I woke up a little while later in a bedroom. "Oh Princess Y/n you're awake." The guard said when he came to check up on me. "Yeah where's father?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. "He's with Emperor Zarkon and Lady Aunerva in the labs." He stated.

I nodded my head and got out of the bed. "Hey you wanna learn something Princess?" He asked and I nodded my head. He looked behind his back before pulling a purple and black dagger out of his armor. "Ill teach you how to fight." He said as he handed me the dagger.

"My name is Jax by the way." He said. "And I'm Y/n which you already knew you don't have to call me princess its to formal." I said making a disgusted face. "You're right warrior fits you."

~flashback end~

What happened to Jax? Is he okay, or did he die with Daibazaal? What happened to Aunerva and Zarkon to make them the way they are now, what exposed them to the quintessence overdose. "Where did it all go wrong?" 

My Princess A Lance McClain X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now