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~few days later~

You and your group are in the car on the way where the treasure13's New MV is going to film....

a few minutes later you arrived in a place and the staffs called all of you to get ready ...


ACTION!!..... 'once the director said that the boys is starting to dance and lip synching to their song...

OKAY NOW THE SCENE WITH THE GIRLS!!....'the director said

Director: GIRLS?! TREASURE?! COME HERE!...'the director said

and all of us come to him

Director: okay so the song is about the two bestfriend who fell in love with each other... so who want to take the leading roles of a boy and a girl?...

Your Members: Y/N!
Treasure13(except j-woo): Jeongwoo!

Y/n&Jw: What?

all of them looking at us while smirking

Jaemin: Y/N is good at acting! She's perfect for the leading lady role..

Jaehyuk: Jeongwoo is perfect to lead the role of the boy because Y/N-...

before jaehyuk says something jeongwoo covered his mouth..

Director: Y/n? Jeongwoo? is it okay that the two of you will take the leading roles?

Jeongwoo: a-ah y-yes its o-okay

Director: and Y/n?

i look at jeongwoo and he's already looking at me so i look away and said

Y/n: y-yeah i-its okay....

Director: okay then....then jeongwoo
and Y/N will take the leading roles while the others will have the backround roles......... So let's start?

All of us go to the set and start preparing

Director: YOU GUYS READY?!


.......3 ....2 ......1.....ACTION!!

The Story Behind Us |Park Jeongwoo| TREASURE| fanfiction |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ