"It's okay Nena, ya veas que Richard y Joel lloran, no estás sola" (you're gonna see Richard and Joel crying soon, so you won't be alone) Zabdi leans over whispering to me in order to make me feel better as the opening scene of The Notebook plays on the screen. I smile at him thanking him silently as the movie continues.

   'what are these guys even doing watching "The Notebook" without me even suggesting it? I would've thought they'd put on something like "Iron Man" but whatever..' I think before becoming completely immersed in the movie

(if you haven't seen The Notebook yet- don't read this next part as it does spoil it- you have been warned)

We get to the end of the movie where Allie asks Noah if he thinks their love could take them away together and Noah says 'I think our love could do anything we want it to.' I break down in tears as I hide my face in my hands that are covered by my sweatshirt sleeves. Zabdiel notices and taps me making me look up at him expecting to see him laughing at me but instead he's smiling and points to the boys sitting behind us on the couch. Both hugging pillows to their chest and burying their faces into their pillows. Sobbing the same as me. I smile through my tears before looking back at the screen as the two birds, alluded to be Allie and Noah, fly away together. And I continue sobbing as Zabdiel picks me up bridal style for a second and places me in between Richard and Joel while we all cry.

Only after I'm being lifted off the floor is when Christopher and Erick look back at us and begin laughing at the scene unfolding in front of them. As Joel and Richard and I curl into a ball holding onto each other for support. "Shut..up.. Erick! Porque hiciste eso?!" (Why'd you do this?) I get out through my sobs. Before turning back to the boys with me and trying to regain my composure. "And why are you guys crying?" I direct towards the two next to me.

  "I'm a sensitive guy, Bella!" Joel expresses causing more tears to fall from his eyes.

  "I just love love! but I also hate it because I hate heartbreak! That shits real, Izzy!" Richard exclaims allowing his emotions to get the better of him.

  "Okay... well I'm done here..." I say clawing away from them seeing as my tears had slowly subsided during their excuses to the point that they just stopped, meaning I no longer needed them for emotional support. I stood up ready to go to the kitchen to get some water. That's when Christopher stands in front of me and opens his mouth.

"You are...And always have been...my dream..." quoting the movie and as the words pour out of his mouth my tears are flowing again causing me to lean on Christopher.

  "Why would you do that to me Christopher!?" I question him annoyed with the fact that he had me crying again. He puts his arms around me and lets me cry into his chest for some time before continuing.

  "In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you and take your grief and make it my own." Chris says to me quoting another scene from the movie before responding to my question. "I just wanted to get close to you, Princesa" he whispers in my ear intending for only me to hear but my brother heard and pulled me away from Christopher at lightning speed.

  "No, no, no, no, no. Ni siquiera lo piensas! Yo te conozco Christopher, aléjate de mi hermana," (Don't even think about it! I know you Christopher, stay away from my sister,) Erick scolds him before bringing my crying face into his chest and turning me away from Christopher so that his body stood in between us. The over all scenario causing me to laugh and start walking away from them all shaking my head.       
  "Y tu 'pa donde vas, mujer!" (And where are you going, woman!) Erick yells at me noticing my disappearance, and using the word 'mujer' knowing I'll turn around quicker because I hate the way it sounds condescending.

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