Learning of her past...

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Authors Note: The image above comes from the 'Girls und Panzer Wiki'.

In the the three weeks since his commanders trial, Jack had gotten a lot closer to his crew, Katyusha and of course, Nonna.

Despite this, he still was wondering one thing about her, why had she been so hostile towards in the first place?

After failing to come up with a satisfactory or definitive reason himself, he decided to ask Katyusha the next time he was alone with her.


It was now the end of the school day and Jack headed towards the Tankery sheds for practice. As he walked there he ran into Katyusha and the pair decided to walk together.

After initial greetings they walked in silence until Jack brought up what was on his mind.

"So Katyusha, can I ask you something about Nonna?"

Katyusha stopped when she heard this, and let out a short sigh, knowing what he was going to ask.

"S-Sure..." She responded shakily.

"What happened that made her hate me when we first met?"

Katyusha winced upon hearing his question and pulled him aside into a side corridor.

"Listen, she doesn't hate you! In fact you should put as much effort as possible into getting closer to her and making her happy!" Katyusha said in her normal yelling tone.

"Now, that's all you need to know..." She finished as she began to walk away.

She was stopped however as Jack grabbed her arm and continued, "Please Katyusha. I know something must've happened to her, please tell me what it is..."

Katyusha shook off his grip and turned to him, "Urg... Fine... I-I guess you deserve to know..."

"Nonna used to have a boyfriend who ended up treating her like shit..."

"Oh", Jack replied softly.

"I always knew there was something about him, I just couldn't place it. But I held my tongue because I wanted Nonna to be happy. It turns out I was right, though I wish I wasn't...", Katyusha muttered as she looked down at the ground with a melancholic expression. Letting out a long sigh before continuing. 

"I'd just finished classes one day and was heading to the Tankery sheds for afternoon practice, on the way I ran into Nonna..." 

---Flashback - POV Katyusha---

"So how has everything been with you and Viktor Nonna?" Katyusha asked with a tentative tone. 

"Everything's great!" Nonna replied with a large, and quite rare, smile. "I just got a present to give him for our anniversary actually~"

"T-That's great~" Katyusha replied, feigning a smile. Although she couldn't place it, she still felt that there was something off about Viktor.

"So he's been good to you then?" Katyusha asked, hoping that it didn't raise provocation.

"Of course, he always is. Why do you ask?" Nonna replied accusingly.

"N-No reason"


After some more idle chatter, the pair arrived at the Tankery sheds and went to their respective tanks. On her way however, Nonna decided to stop in to Viktor's shed to give him his anniversary gift, an act that was noticed by Katyusha. Who was now hiding behind some crates in Viktor's tank shed, watching intently.

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