I'm Here for You

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After seeing Nonna's expression Jack began to worry what was wrong as he approached her.

"Nonna, are you ok?"

Nonna jerked in shock upon hearing Jack speak, a fearful expression covering her face as she turned to him.

"I... uh... I" Nonna tried to speak but couldn't find the words.

Jack saw that she was physically shaking and he didn't know why, he stepped closer to her and gently gripped her shoulders.

"Nonna, it's alright. It's just me~" Jack said, trying to calm her.

"I-I..." Nonna started, looking into his eyes as a worried expression covered his face.

"I-I'm sorry!" Nonna yelled as she began to cry, hanging her head low.

Jack didn't know what she meant, but despite this he instinctively embraced her into a hug.

"It's alright~ It's alright~" Jack whispered to her as he softly rubbed her back.

"I-It's not though..." Nonna whimpered out, tentatively wrapping her arms around his back holding him tightly.

"I-I saw what happened earlier..."

"Y-You did?!"

"Yes... I... I wish I'd done something!"

"What do you mean?" Jack asked as he continued to hold her close.

Nonna sniffled and continued "I saw you and Katyusha with... w-with... him..."

"I wanted t-to help but I w-was too afraid!"

Jack let out a small sigh of relief upon hearing that she hadn't tried to confront Victor herself.

"I-I watched you fight him and K-Katyusha get hurt!" Nonna yelled as she began to cry even more, causing Jack to pull her closer.

"It's okay~ I'm glad you didn't try to help, I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt and I know Katyusha feels the same way..."

Upon hearing this Nonna gasped and glanced up at Jack, "D-Do you m-mean that?"

"Of course I do" Jack replied as he smiled down at her.

"I-I thought you'd be a-angry at me..."

"I could never be angry at you, especially not for something like that~"

"B-But, h-how could you not b-be mad at me for not stepping in?!" Nonna asked frantically.

"B-Because... I care about you too much to be mad at you...."

Nonna gasped again upon hearing this and buried her face in his chest.

"Why are you so k-kind to me e-even when I screw up?..."

"Like I said, you mean so much to me. No matter what you do, I-I'll always be here for you~"

"I... I'm glad..." She whimpered out, pulling Jack tighter as she said it.

The pair stayed like this in silence for quite a while before Jack began to softly pull away.

"W-Wait!" Nonna said, raising her voice slightly "C-Can we stay like this a little longer? I feel really safe..."

Jack chuckled slightly and glanced down at her with a smile as he pulled her back towards him, "Of course~"

Nonna closed her eyes as she rested her head on Jacks chest a small smile forming on her face...

---Katyusha POV---

Katyusha had tried to sleep but struggled to without her usual lullaby from Nonna, that combined with her worry for Nonna meant that she rose out of bed to see if she could find her and Jack.

Once she reached the door she opened it slightly and gasped when she saw Nonna and Jack hugging each other tightly in the corridor.

She closed the door a little more to hide her presence but smiled to herself when she saw that Nonna looked happy and calm in Jacks arms.

"Well done you two~" she whispered to herself as she continued to watch on...

---Nonna and Jack POV---

After hugging for a few more minutes, Nonna had made up her mind and took her head off Jacks chest and raised it to look up into his eyes.

Jack returned this gesture and looked down into her eyes with a smile.

Nonna then reached up and cupped Jacks cheeks with her small hands. Jack could feel their warmth as well as a warmth spreading through his body, it was a feeling unlike anything he'd felt before. He also noticed how beautiful her eyes were when she was this close...

"You know how I-I said I felt safe before?"

"Yeah" Jack replied tentatively, his heart feeling like it was going to beat out of his chest.

"W-Well the truth is... I-I always feel safe w-when I'm with you~" Nonna said with a wide smile as she continued to cup Jacks cheeks, her face becoming bright red.

She then started to move up onto her toes as she moved her face closer to Jacks, slightly parting her lips...

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