The 20 Generals

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A week since the day Azuma was chosen and the awakening of the demon lord Dubaru w/ his 20 generals. W/ the Quindici creature Legendarie plus Shin and Kasuka by his side, they will defeat the Demon king once and for all…

The two sides faced each other in the battlefield, w/ Dubaru using a trick to separate them from each other, transporting them into a wide arena their own opponent to kill or to defeat. Before they could kill the King, they must kill all the pawns.
~Aria & Melony~
The two stared at their opponent both are males, twins to be exact.
“We are no. 1 and no. 2 general, Qi and Xi.” The two said, both are fire type demon.
Aria and Melony smirked. “Quindici creature legendarie, Ame to Yuki (the rain and the snow).”
Her opponent is praying mantis demon, No. 3 general. “I’m Fong, nice to meet you.”
“Shang, the 4th general, nice to meet you spider-hime.” He bowed.
“Likewise, but. Better not call me princess if you still want your head attached to your body.”
~Rin, Kai, Levi~
“We are the 5th, 6th and 7th general, Ki, Tian and Min. a yer service.”
“The three goddess, Kai. Rin and Levi”
“8th general, Shun.”
“Nekomata, Gin.”
“9th general, Yukari.”
“Kitsune, Rue”
“10th general, Kanra.”
“Ōkami, Ley.”
“11th general, Shi.”
“Dai tengu, Spade.”
“12th general, Kanaka.”
“Byakko, Sei,” Sei flashed his eye glasses.
“13th general, kanri.”
“Kasuka Kazama, the silver knight.”
“14th general, Kando.”
”Shin Ongoka.”
“15th and 16th general, Han and Shiki.”
“Azuma Densetsu.”
“17th and 18th general, Dan and Nawaki”
“Karasu tengu, Ziel.”
“19th and 20th general, Shinru and Shinya. We’re looking forward to fight the second strongest demon to Lord Dubaru. Hihi.”
“Uhm, how are you ranked? Strongest to weakest or weakest to strongest?”
“You, little girl are so unlucky to have us, the strongest of all generals, hihihi~”
Yin groaned. ‘This is so unfair, really…’

“HaHaHa! No one can defeat my Generals! They are wisely chosen, almost on par w/ my strength. So child of prophecy and Quindidci creature Legendarie…Can you pass through them?” Dubaru laughed. Watching the fight from a near transparent screen before him.

Azuma gritted his teeth, blocking a blow from his opponent.
“Don’t take your eyes off from your opponent!” Han shouted, swinging his sword. Then he disappeared.
Azuma looked around, ‘where did he—‘. Shiki suddenly appeared on his vision, his sword ready to cut Azuma in halves. W/ Han appearing behind him, his sword raised up in the air.
Azuma knows that he won’t be able to dodge them on time, so it’s now or never… He brought his hand up, he shifted his legs to a stance, and his left hand raised up, as if to grab something, then brought it down…
Shiki and Han we’re thrown back from the sudden explosion, back flipping to avoid crashing to the ground, they stared in bewilderment at Azuma.

Azuma, now clad in a black trench coat dark brown undershirt, black pants tucked in black combat boots, black belt w/ a skull buckle. The most noticeable thing is the katana on his hand. W/ a long blade, and the hilt was covered in bandages…
“Elementi di stile: ……”
~Aria and Melony’s side~
Aria and Melony smirked, considering the fact that water eats fire, their opponent has zero chance of winning against them.
Qi hurls a ball of fire towards them, then Xi w/ fire covering his entire body, flew towards them at full speed,
Both females clasps their hands together, they both chanted, “Yuki to Ame: Unseal.”
Dark clouds formed, rain starting to fall, once it touched the ground it freezes. Both of their opponents attack dispersed, their body slowly turning to ice…
Their forms changed, Aria now clad in a light blue kimono w/ long sleeves w/ a dark blue sash and pale blue sandals. Melony is also clad in a white long sleeved kimono w/ a silver sash and white sandals. Their hair also grew longer almost touching the ground, tied in a low ponytail.
A door appeared on the wall to their right.
“It seems that Dubaru wants to play w/ us.” Aria said.
“Then, shall we ‘entertain’ him” Melony asked.
They entered the door, much to their surprise, it was a room w/ a floating wide screen, portraying the fights.
“It seems that we need to wait for them.” Said Aria, Melony nodded.
~back to Azuma~
“Elementi di stile: Armatura elementare.” (elemental armor)
Shiki and Han readied themselves as Azuma blurred from their sight.
Azuma, in this form could sense the others, fighting. It’s faint but still there. It seems that Aria and Melony already finished their fight. Might as well finish this up quickly.
Azuma suddenly appeared behind the two, slashing their back w/ his sword. The two staggered forward, Han, turning to face Azuma, thrusting his sword up, but it hit nothing but air.
“What the—“Shiki was thrown towards the wall, w/ so much force that the wall cracked a bit.
“Elementi di stile: Vento vincolante." (Binding wind)
Transparent rope wrapped around Shiki, constricting his movement.
Han tried to run towards Shiki, but Azuma already pierced him on the stomach.
“Han!” Shiki shouted, he struggled from his binds, he can’t let his only friend die. “Damn this stupid ropes! Han! Damn you if I get out of this ropes I’ll f***ng kill you!”
Han coughed up blood. Azuma slowly pulled out his sword, catching Han’s body, then gently lying him down the floor. “Elementi di stile: Luce di guaritori." (Healers light)
“Wha? *coughs* why…are you…?” Han looks up at Azuma.
“Well, ughm…how do I say this... You see the first time I saw you, I saw hesitation in your eyes. And I really don’t want to kill you, I know that you’re a good person err a good demon. And I can see that you are forced in this task, right? Besides, the more allies the better?” Azuma said.
Han just smiled weakly, he then looked at Shiki who was still cursing, “Can you… let go… of my friend?” He asked.

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