To Iqbal kingdom we go

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After the pirate fiasco…Azuma’s group and the QcL group, mostly Qcl group cause they have a bit of trouble escaping Ho-shin’s clutches due to the fact that she wants to recruit Yin and Ziel to her tribe, but they managed somehow…
~Forest near Iqbal kingdom~
The Quindici creature Legendarie introduced themselves as a traveling band named 'Paranormal’ (Sei suggested it as their name) to Azuma’s group. Kasuka, still suspicious of them, cause how the heck would two members of a traveling band could defeat a whole army of pirates!? So Kasuka asked them to play a song or yeah…
Actually they are also an infamous band from their previous world…
After their amazing performance w/ them smirking, w/ Kasuka jaw dropping w/ a lingering thought of ‘what the heck.’ Azuma and Shin are clapping their hands…
~time skip~
They set up their camp…when Kasuka accidentally fell in the river and voila! This is where it started…
“Y-you’re a girl!?” Azuma shouted w/ a slight blush on his face.
“A-azuma-sama…” Kasuka murmured shyly, I mean what would you do when your secret was found out in the most embarrassing way?
So Kasuka told her own story of how she wanted to be a knight just like her father so she disguised herself as a male, end story.
So yep, such a pleasant night w/ the females are glad to have another girl in their group, while the male—Spade, Gin, Sei, Rue, Ley and Jay-v—groaned, knowing that the very 26% of their peaceful days will turn to 10%... w/ the exception of Azuma and Shin…

~girls tent~
Aria: *stares at the trio, Rin, Kai and Levi* Melony, did they…?
Melony: Don’t know… I think they asked for Lyz’s help…
“Gah! A spider! SPIDER! AAAh!” a shout from the male’s tent.
Aria: That’s Gin right?
Melony: Yep~
“You guys are so dead!! Aah! A snake!!”
The trio, Lyz & Ziel giggled. Kasuka sleeping like a log. While Azuma and Shin are sleeping peacefully in a separate tent.
~the next morning~
The sun is shining brightly, birds are chirp—
“Gahahaha! What’s up w/ your faces?!”
Anyways, the females plus Azuma & Shin are laughing/grinning/smirking right now, why you may ask? Well…
Spade, Gin, Sei, Ley, Rue and Jay-v looked like they just experienced a Zombie apocalypse or they are the zombie’s? The way they grunt and groan, large eye bags, unruly hair full of bite marks and red dry eyes.
“How the heck could we sleep when you dumped a bunch of snakes, siders and other things we couldn’t even recognize!?” They all shouted except Spade who miraculously recovered when Shin gave him a drink.
~time skip~
They finally arrived at Iqbal, but they were greeted by a squads of knights and the general who said that he was one of Dubaru’s follower even going as far to show them the king’s head.
Azuma, enraged, charged towards the General only to be stopped by none other than Sei who gave one of his rare smile’s then…
“Quindici creature Legendarie…” Azuma, Shin and Kasuka gasped. Sei smirked adjusting his glasses. “Rock them all.”
“Heh~ finally some actions~”
“Since when did I follow your orders?”
“Can’t let others steal the spotlight~”
The water and ice twin smirked, water and ice swirling around them. The serpent goddess hissed in delight. The spider demon transformed, eight legs sprouting from her back. The crow demon flapped her wings, turning them into deadly poisons. The succubus laughed in delight, demonic horns, wings, tails and a three prolonged trident appeared. The sun moon and storm goddess turning to their respective form, gold for the sun, silver for the moon and red for the storm. The Kitsune turned into a giant nine-tailed fox. The Ōkami, turning into a giant wolf. The neko hissed, transforming into a two tailed cat. The tengu flapped his wings, wings turning to pitch black w/ crystal like tips. The byakko turning into a giant tiger.
At the same time, they attacked. Enemies fall one by one.
“W-wow…”Azuma aw’ed.” Wait this isn’t the time to watch! Kasuka, Shin, let’s go and help them!” Azuma shouted, his Cinque elementi di stile busting to life.
“Hai, Azuma-sama.”Kasuka w/ her spear.
“Of course~ it’s such an honor to fight alongside w/ them” Shin took out his flute.
“Rain, add on Ice: Icy rain!” “Feather blast.”
“Thread knife!” “Hezels fire.”
“Hey, watch where you’re aiming that! Poisons breathe!”
“Chaos shot!” “That is Reborn’s signature move! Silver flame bomb!”
“Black sand stone burial.” “Crystal flame blade!” “9 paths of death!”
“There are only 7 paths, you idiot! Thorns!”
“True, ten thousand claws.”
“I really hate cats. Howl blast!” “I agree w/ you, spirit wolf’s howl.”

The next day, a very special one. A day when the child of prophecy will be known. They waited for the full moon, waiting for the signs…
Exactly at the same time, under the full blue moon, a bright glow of light surrounded Azuma, the Quindici creature legendary just waited. When the light died down, it revealed Azuma, slightly taller and more…
“Wow. A chibi seme,” Yin commented, w/ Ziel agreeing beside her.
“Chibi seme…?” Azuma, Kasuka and Shin asked, confused.
The rest of the QcL face palmed.
“Anyways, congratulation, Azuma.” Said Sei.
“Now then, we have a big old demon to defeat, ne~” Spade eye smiled.
Azuma nodded.
20 figures bowed down, Dubaru on his ‘throne’.
“Rise up, my 20 generals. This time do not fail me,” He commanded.
They all stood up, “Hai, Dubaru-sama.”

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