1. Halloween disaster

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A day where people dress up as monsters, zombies, other things they could think of, then running around scaring the sh*t out of people and/or trick or treating. But of course not all Halloween can be a pleasant one…

A group of friends having their (youthful) party in a certain house of a certain deceased someone….
Let’s start w/ the females first, they are Aria and Melony, the twins. Eve and Lyz, the reader of the group. Ziel, a bipolar one, also an otaku. Yin, the normal but w/ a sadistic, sociopathic split personality, plus an otaku. Kai, Rin & Levi, the triplets but not by blood. The males are Rue and Jay-v, the gamer, sometimes called the gamer twins, both are also an otaku. Ley, the normal but not so normal. Gin, the cool but not so cool guy. Spade, the fight breaker w/ a cheerful persona. Lastly Sei, the perfectionist mother hen of the group.
Or they are the infamous paranormal club. They are pretty much popular at school, each has their own crazy personality but w/ one thing in common: They believe in things that ‘doesn’t’ exist.
“So…You sure this is the right place?” Eve asked, looking at the forest in front them.
“Yep~ Cause according to my resources, the mansion is located at the ‘middle’ of this forest.’ Replied Yin.
“Anyways, the boys are late.” Kai grumbled.
“Maybe they are still setting up our customs, Ya know… One of them is a perfectionist mother hen…” Rin answered w/ a flash of her glasses.
A bush rustled, followed by footsteps and voices.
“Well, they’re here.” Exclaimed Aria.
As if in a cue the males of the group stumbled out of the bushes.
“Sorry we’re late.” Gin said while nudging towards Sei. Sei just sent him a glare.
“Ma~ma~ let’s not fight~” The oh so carefree Spade said.
Rue and Jay-V Are so into their phone that they aren’t paying attention to their surrounding that… They both face planted on a tree, at the same time a fruit landed on their head, a large one at that.
Yin videoed the whole thing, the others are laughing, mostly Gin whose already rolling on the ground that he almost chocked on his saliva.
The two gamer plus otaku caressed the bump on their head while pouting/demanding Yin to erase the video. Suddenly they heard a laugh echoing throughout the forest.
The wind howled, lightning flashed, then a fox came out almost at the size of an over grown horse w/ 15 tail swaying behind him, on his back was/is something resembles an ostriches egg w/ hands, legs, eyes, and mouth.
“You mortals are trespassing our territory.” The egg shaped thing said. The fox growled, tails lashing out.
The group only blinked.
“Aren’t you supposed to be running right now?” The creature said in confusion.
“Oh.” Was the smart answer of the group.
“Your lame.” Chorused Aria and Melony.
“You’re… a yokai egg right?” said Eve innocently.
“Mou~ I was expecting a Daitengu or something~” said Lyz w/ a pout.
“I think this is Mt. Inari… But why the egg?” Said Ziel.
“Do you think it will taste like an egg, if we cook him?” Wondered Yin w/ a glint in her eyes.
“Maybe…”said Kai.
“Want to try? “Followed Rin
“He looked just like Guru Egg from an online game.” Said Jay-v
“Also that guy from that anime…” Said Rue
“The egg is lame… but the fox is so cool~” Gin stared at the fox w/ fascination.
Ley just gave the two creatures a smile… a creepy one at that…
“Nice ta’ meet ya’, Tamago-chan(Egg), Kitsune-san(Fox).” Smiled Spade.
Sei just hn’ed at them.
The egg creature got a bit irritated at their antics…A dark aura surrounded him and the fox.
“Damn mortals, damn stupid brats, damn them all!” The egg creature muttered angrily his aura darkening the area
“Ha ha. Maybe we should run now?” said Spade nervously.
But before they could run they were engulfed in a bright light. But before they could disappear, Yin stared at the egg one more time then gave a sadistic smirk.
And they were gone.
“You know…” The fox spoke.” I really thought she was going to cook you.”
“Hm. That girl is really strange, all of them actually. Maybe because they are their descendants?” said the egg.
The fox looked at the full moon. “I guess, they deserved to go to where they belong.”

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