The lonely pizza

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It was a rainy day. Hannah was sitting in her bedroom when she decided to invite her friends and order pizza. She went into the living room and began to call them. While she was dialling Lucy's phone number, she turned on the TV. There was the movie that she loved watching. 'I should call over them to watch it together but I can't wait' she thought. Hannah put away her phone and waited for her favourite part. She didn't realize that the pizza courier was standing in front of the house so she didn't let him in. He was soaking wet so he decided to put the pizza in front of the door and leave. The pizza was so sad because nobody cared for it and agreed to be lonely forever. When the movie ended, Hannah went outside and saw the watery pizza, but she didn't want to take it in. So the pizza was sadder. It wanted to be important so it turned into Hannah's boyfriend, Ben. "Ben" knocked on the door and decided to break up with Hannah out of revenge. But when he said those words he turned into a pizza again. But that pizza was Hannah's favourite so she forgave it. They went inside the house and they lived happily ever after. (Well, actually just Hannah because she ate the pizza)

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