Chemistry notes

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Prompt: We write notes to each other on the desk we share at different times and I never knew who I was talking to until I saw you stay behind after class to write on it and holy shit yoU’RE HOT AU

Pairing: Kenvi/Raken


It had all started out of boredom.

Lee Jaehwan was the type of person who always needed to be doing something whether it was singing or tapping or drawing. Having to sit still was his Kryptonite and school was tedious as he had to try to stay still for 8 hours a day otherwise he will 'disrupt' his classmates' learning. The worst class of all was the one he was in. Chemistry. The teacher threw out detentions fast as a jet if someone made a peep so that other students could pay attention to her lectures. He thought it was bullshit but then again, he wasn't the victim of his own continuous movement and noise.

To pass the time, Jaehwan had started doodling on his desk. He knew he shouldn't be, as it was considered "graffiti", but at the moment he couldn't care less. Plus, its not like he was the only one to doodle on the tables. He saw a cute little drawing of a french bulldog and wrote 'Cute :)' next to it and thought nothing else of the doodle.

After what felt like ages, Jaehwan heard the bell ring, signalling his freedom.

The next day came quicker than Jaehwan would've liked. He had stayed up all night gaming with his best friend Sanghyuk and was tired and moody. He arrived at his Chemistry class and sat down in the same seat as usual. This class was early in the morning and he was feeling particularly restless. He began doodling again and looked at the new additions to the desk, some hearts, a rocket ship, a less... appropriate... doodle, and most surprisingly, a 'Thank you :)' under his 'Cute :)'.

Jaehwan smiled to himself that the artist even noticed but then again if they were anything like him, they were finding anything to do as well. He decided to respond with a longer note this time,

'You're Welcome! Do you have a french bulldog?? :O'

And with that, Jaehwan waited impatiently for the class to be over.


He hoped the stranger would respond but wasn't counting on it, so he was surprised to find another message.

'No, not yet. But one day I will! Do you like dogs?'

He hid his grin from the class and responded:

'I love every animal but i think i relate to dogs more because they are hyper and goofy :P'

He found that he was excited for a reply. The next few days' writings were as follows:

'Ah so you're like a puppy? Then how do you survive this class?'

'I survive by doodling and now, writing to you :)'

'Glad i can be of service. I hope you do well on the test Friday pup!'

'Pup? Thats cute i like it. Also, thanks i hope you do well too! I plan to study all night for it'

He didn't study all night for it. He tried to, but he fell asleep after a few practice questions and he was so focused on trying to do well on the test that he forgot to even look at the strangers reply but it was too late, he had to wait until Monday. He was both anxious about his results and guilty for never responding. It wasn't a great weekend.

He entered the chemistry class on Monday in a bad mood. He was tired and stressed and hungry, but when he saw the strangers replies, he felt a little better.

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