Shallow love Pt. 1

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Pairing: Chabin
Prompt: “I’m a camp counselor and you’re a mermaid who is living in the nearby lake, please leave” AU
Warnings: Cursing and allusion to suicide (its vague but i thought i should mention)


Of all the jobs that Hongbin had taken, this one had to be the weirdest. He had gotten fired from his last job at a bakery and saw an ad for a camp counselor online. He wasn't particularly excited about being surrounded by kids, escpecially ones that were about to be preteens but he needed the money.

Despite not having worked in a similar field, he got the job. He decided it was because he was a Biology major and the camp was in a wooded area, which makes sense considering kids don't think twice about what is or isnt dangerous. When the time came for the camp to set up, he travelled hours away from home to get to the location he'd be spending the next two months. The camp itself contained a few large cabins for the kids, a smaller one for the councellors, outhouses, and many picnic tables. Beside the counsellor's cabin was a huge shed full of supplies such as canoes, soccer balls, life jackets, and other camping supplies. The cabins and shed were in the middle of a field that sat nearby a small lake with a river trailing out the opposite side, deeper into the woods beyond.

Even though he wasnt excited about having to help the other councellors set everything up and make sure the cabins were nice and clean, Hongbin had to admit that the beauty of the area was striking. It was gorgeous, especially as the sun set and its golden rays shimmered on the lake's surface. Though it was very beautiful, the sunset didn't compare to the night sky with its millions of stars.

After three long days of set up and planning, the kids began to arrive on buses. Hongbin's co councellors Jung Taekwoon and Lee Jaehwan were stuck with figuring out which kids were in which cabins and he didnt envy them one bit. It wasn't that he hated kids or anything, it was more that their loud excitement gave him a headache. In total, about 100 kids showed up to camp that year. Jaehwan was a bit sad that not as many showed up as they thought there'd be as he was almost like a kid himself but Taekwoon told him itd give them all a chance to bond with them more and that returned the younger man to a happier state.

The first two days of camp were mostly ice breakers and safety lectures for the kids, most of whom were between 8 and 11 years old. Hongbin found himself getting along better with the older kids, especially those who liked video games. Despite his preference for the older kids, Hongbin was assigned to look after the 8 year olds. One hot summer day, he was playing a game of soccer with his campers before it got too dark out when a kid named Sanghyuk accidentally kicked the ball into the lake.

The kid had a nice kick, considering the ball went far out onto the lake's surface. Hongbin couldnt swim and was afraid of water that he couldnt see all the way through. Not wanting them to get wet and cause a mess in the cabin, he begrudgingly waded into the water to get it when he saw something strange. He was about stomach deep when he saw a gold streak pass his legs. He though it looked like golden scales but it was too murky to be sure. It seemed too thick to be a snake and all of the fish they saw in the lake so far were no bigger than his forearm. This /thing/ was much larger. He felt his heart start racing. What the hell did he just see? The kids were calling out to him so he got the ball and hurried out, putting on his best smile as to not worry them.

That night, after the campers were asleep, he spoke to Jaehwan as they got ready for bed.

"Have you seen anything... strange... in the lake?" He asked nervously.

"Umm," Jaehwan replied, "No, I don't think I have. Why?"

He seemed worried by Hongbin's question and tone so he decided to keep it to himself.

VIXX one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora