"Estas bien? You okay?" He questions me and repeats himself in English. I can't tell wether it was to see what language I would rather speak in, or if it was for him to assure himself that he was saying what he meant to. We start to follow the others as they begin to pour into the kitchen and mamá makes her way upstairs, presumably to her bedroom, The boys are rummaging through the drawers and cupboards for snacks while we just continue talking from the entrance of the kitchen in the doorway.

  "Uh yeah, sorry I didn't mean to do that so loud, just thinking." I tell him trying to not make him worry too much.

  "What you thinking about? Or is it too personal, cause like, I could just but out and pretend that I neve-" he starts rambling.

  "No, no, it's okay," I say laughing at how nervous he got.

  "Uh, you sure? Cuz I wouldn't want you to hate me your first time meeting me," He tells me honestly. His cheeks tinting in color slightly. Aww that's so cute!

  "No, really, it's okay," I laugh. "Honestly, I'm just, uh, trying to remember all of your names correctly..." I tell him worrying that he'd think I was dumb for not being able to remember four names. Now it was his turn to laugh at my nervousness as I could feel myself turn slightly pink.

  "Not a problem. Okay so the blonde, is Zabdiel, he's from Puerto Rico. That's not that important, but I just thought I'd throw that in there so you know a little bit more about us," He admits as I nod at him appreciating his help. "The darker guy with the hat and nose ring is Richard, he's from Dominican Republic, but grew up in New York. Christopher has on the yellow sunglasses and the classic 2010 Justin Bieber hair," he said making me giggle and him laugh at his own joke. " he's from Ecuador, born in New Jersey. And then finally, me, Joel Pimentel Nice to meet ya, Bella," he tells me looking back at me with his head slightly tilted since we're still standing the the doorway of the kitchen just watching the guys. 'Ohh okay So it is pronounced as Jole? Wait but Erick always says it as Jo-el? You gotta ask what's correct some other time.' I tell myself, making a mental note. "I'm age 20, and Mexican, born and raised in California."

  "So, You're just gonna tell me the most information on you, y solo los países de los otros?" (And only the countries of the others?) I ask him trying to cover up my amusement.

  "Well, what can I say, they can introduce themselves to you on their own. I just decided to go first." He smiles at me getting me to crack a smile.

  "Well, thank you Joel. Muy amable," (very kind of you) I thank him and out of the corner of my eye watch as my mom leaves the house and waves at me. I assume she needs to go to the store to buy more snacks because of these savages.

  "Of course! Bella, I personally, hate being confused, which happens a lot when we get interviewed in Latin America, so I try to help people when I can. Though it Only comes in handy around these guys, when someone's speaking in English and has an accent, or says a word or phrase they don't know." He stretches the back of his neck looking at the ground.

  "Thank you," I say again to him, not only for me but for helping my brother when he needs it, and we return back to the commotion going on in front of us.

  Only then do I notice that Erick found the teddy grahams and decided to sit on the floor playing with them and making them "attack" Christopher who would just eat every single one that flew at him. Richard stood there recording them acting like fools, either for a live or for a video they would post later, while Zabdiel laughed at their antics before looking at me and shaking his head at the boys in a 'what are we gonna do with them' type of way.

"Erick Brian! Qué haces? Mamá te va matar cundo ella baja!" (What are you doing? Mamá is gonna kill you when she comes down here!) I scold him while trying to cover up my laugh.

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