luke hemmings

21 1 5

I sat on my bed looking at the dingy white ceiling entell got bored grabbing his guitar messing around on it

Ms, Janet head up to the 13-17 hall way yelling "Boys Attention !! All you rats get up to the front area ,don't act stupid and don't act like your pathetic self now go" boys start fixing there clothes heading down as fast they could

I out my guitar down putting on a belt and walking down the hall running my fingers threw my quiff as I see these 2 guys up in the front near the desk one was super tall ,his hair was blonde he looked Asian all dressed up , the other one had red hair looking super nice as well with them was all in black you could tell they exercise maybe they worked at a office (Calum and Ashton is 2019 looking and Luke look like in the picture)

Ash looked around seeing several guys talking to them
So did Calum

I looked at them and snuck out in the back hoping Ms, Janet doesn't see him well even if She see I bet she wouldn't even say anything , I throw my hood up heading out

Ashton was listen to this 16 year old boy name Michael he seemed really stubborn but tell he was just in a bad mood that day but it was just a depressing vibe in there  "So Michael tell me about yourself "

Michael looked at him "Dude why you care not like your gonna adopt me if your gonna adopt someone why not Luke " he said slouch down feet up on the table

Calum looked at Michael's pushing his feet down on the floor "Who Luke ? Maybe we can adopt both of you "

Michael snarled at him  "me brothers with that loser I hate him he that one with the stupid quiff "

Ash looked around and got up with Calum heading outside against the building holding his hand "I don't know about the kids in there I want to I really do but there not a right match"

Calum nodded "Yeah but that Michael guys didn't seem to bad "

Luke sat on the other side of the building humming blink 182 listening to his phone

Ash nodded "Yeah he wasn't that- Calum do you hear something like humming" they looked around realizing it on the other side the building seeing him seeing a quiff and a jacket with the adoption center name on it

Calum tapped his shoulder "Are you Luke ? "

I jumped stepping back in a quiet tone "y-yeah I am I'll go back inside just don't tell Ms, Janet please "

"Yeah sure if we can just talk to you before we go inside , I'm Calum this is Ashton can you tell us about yourself ?"

Luke shrugs " idk I mean my name Luke and ugh I kinda play guitar " he said as he slowly stopped talking getting shy again heading inside

Ash turned him around "Luke do you wanna come with us ? I kinda play guitar. Myself but I'm mostly play drums"
Calum nodded "I play bass but yeah I play guitar as well you might know us you might heard us on the radio " he smiled

I shrugged "I might of heard some of your stuff but sure I guess so " he head inside with them going to pack up his guitar and his suite case filling it up with his clothes ,his tooth brush ,hair brush and several beanies
Michael watched him pack as he sat on top of his bunk bed "I See those loser wanted another loser in there family "

I staired at his then just annoyed him "least I don't have see you again ,I hope you get a family soon as well " he started to zip it up
Michael climbed down "Dude I'm reason I got you a family I told then pick you duh and thank I still hate you I only recommend you so I didn't. Have see you as well"

Luke headed out knowing he secretly kinda cares behind that fringe of his going to front seeing Ash and Calum waving to them I looked back seeing Micheal leaned against the wall waving bye to him I waved back even tho he tortured me alot through out the year heading

Calum wrapped his arms around me as we left heading to my new home , it was a quiet ride home where im just shy but they seem nice tho

Ash droved him explaining what the place looked like "it a three room house you know ,one for me and Ash, one for you witch you'll love hopefully me and cause. Decorated it and one for a guess room, the living room is huge , kitchen big as well there a attic , basement a huge back yard oh and a pool " Ash looked at Luke seeing he just nervous around them was tryin to talk to comfort him

Calum pointed out the window "We're here , Lucas "

I looked at him not liking be called that heading out grabbing my bag haeding inside mumbling "your not joking when you said this place was big "
Calum heard him laughing "make your lace at home  I'll set your stuff in your room " grabbing his suit case ND his guitar heading up the stairs

Ash stood there in the living room looking at Luke "So Lucas do you like it the place ?"

Luke nodded "yeah but ugh Ash..I mean dad c-can call me Luke please" he said quietly looking at him

Ash smiled hearing him call him dad nodded "Yeah sure Luke anything for you"

Luke nod "thanks

-to be continued-

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